•2017 Author's Note•

1.5K 35 5


Thank you all so much for sticking around since somewhere in 2015 for this wild ride! I can't believe it's been two years since I first began to write this. When I got the idea to start this, I was so excited and my mind was buzzing with so many ideas that I didn't even take the time to plot anything out. I just started to write and went from there.

That was probably my biggest mistake with this book was not sitting down to take the time to plot it all out.

So if I have any advice to give you guys who are just starting out (or even for those of you who have been writing for years, like myself), take the time to plot out your story. You'll be thankful for it later. I wish I had done the same but I suppose we all have to start somewhere and mistakes happen for a reason.

As of now, I don't believe there will be a sequel but there's a slim chance I might make one once the summer's over, but that's not a high probability. I hope you guys understand why (because my other sequel didn't turn out to good and when I went back to edit this, I ended up deleting the sequel.)

So once again, thank you all once more, and it means the world to me that you've all been so patient and supportive with my book. It still blows my mind each time I go to check out how many more reads my book has gotten. I mean, 44K+ views? That's incredible! Thank you all for everything and I hope to see you all again sometime in the near distant future.


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