Part 2: Wendy

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Is it just me or is Dipper being extremely unreasonable and illogical right now?

I can't believe he made a deal with Bill! To be honest, I don't know much about this immortal illuminati-illuminacho as much as Dipper does, but it from what Soos tells me, he's bad news.

Very, bad news.

Dipper's eyes suddenly rolled to the back of his head he collapsed on the ground. "Dipper!" Mabel cried, terrified. She ran to his aid but it went to no avail. Bill snapped his fingers again and a bright light blinded us all, forcing us to shield our eyes and look away.

When it died down, I uncovered my eyes and gasped. Dipper and Bill were both gone, but Ford stood in Dipper's place, with a hand to his head looking like he was ready to hurl. "Grunkle Ford! You're okay!" Mabel exclaimed. She embraced Ford into a tight hug and Ford knelt down to hug her back.

It was quiet like that for a moment, until I heard quiet sobs from Mabel. Ford rubbed comforting circles on her back and whispered things in her ear. "It's okay Mabel, it'll be okay..." He murmured. "N-No it won't! Dipper's gone! Bill has him! Who knows what he'll even wants with Dipper! That's it! Game over! We've lost!"

Mabel cried.

"Mabel, listen to me."

Ford pulled apart from their hug, placed a hand on Mabel's shoulder and looked her dead in the eye. "We will get Dipper back. No matter what it takes. I promise. Alright?" Mabel didn't say anything, she just kept crying and fell back into Ford's embrace. Ford sighed, and scooped Mabel up in his arms, letting her get her emotions out.

"Come-Come on guys, we need to
fi-firg-figure where Bill took Dipper. We can't let Bill have the upper hand to this battle."

Ford managed, we were all in shock, I for one was angry. "We need to find Stan and the rest of the townsfolk. Let's go, we're burning daylight." He began walking toward the Shack, carrying Mabel in his arms. Soos and I shared a look of sadness before running after Ford to keep up with him.

For an old man, he sure could move fast.


We reached the Shack feeling exhausted, terrified, sad and angry all at the same time.
"The Shack is so quiet...that's a first." I noted suspiciously as we walked up the porch. Ford nodded in agreement.

"We don't know what's happened while we've been gone, but we need to be prepared for anything. Everyone, grab a weapon or something that you can use to protect yourself with." Ford ordered as he put Mabel down on the porch. Mabel's eyes were red but she grabbed a golf club and held it up like a sword. Soos managed to lift up the couch, Ford pulled out a weapon that he had in his cloak and I readied my axe.

Ford slowly extended one hand out to open the Shack door. He turned it slowly, and pulled it open. Mabel yelped in surprise when we were greeted by an army of townsfolk and creatures from the woods. "Rah!" They all yelled. We gave a battle cry back before someone pushed their way through the army.

"Hey! Wait!"

Stan appeared at the front of the army, wearing a red sash that read, 'Chief'.

"Mabel? Ford?"

"Stan!" Mabel exclaimed. She scrambled past Ford and Stan knelt down to hug her.

"What happened? Where have you been? Where's your brother?" Stan blurted when they pulled apart from the hug. "I-" Mabel began with a sniffle but Ford cut her off. "Stan, we can catch up later. Let's all just get into the Shack." Ford peered in through the doorway and frowned when he saw all of the townsfolk in there.

"And it appears we have company. You have things to explain Stan." Ford noted as he pushed past Stan and made his way into the Shack. "Wendy, Mabel, Soos, come on." Mabel, Soos and I followed Ford into the Shack, passing by Stan who looked mad.

I sighed, remembering that Ford and Stan didn't get along at all.

"Sure, whatever. Nice to see you too Poindexter." I heard Stan grumble as he closed the door behind us. "Everyone can return to whatever they were doing before this! Nothing to see here! Move along!" Stan yelled. There were grumbles of complaint and incoherent things said through the crowd but none that I could fully make out.

I recognized just about everyone here.

"Ford, we can talk in the kitchen. Soos, Wendy, Mabel? You can all clean up and get yourself something to eat, or whatever." Stan waved his hand in dismissal and the two brothers disappeared into the crowed. I sighed.

I watched Mabel slip her way through the crowd, hugging herself tightly as she made her way to the stairs that led up to the attic. I sucked in a breath and followed her up the stairs.

"Hey, Mabel, wait." I called to her softly as we reached the top. She turned around, tear stains on her cheeks and said, "Yeah?" "We'll get that Dork back Mabel. Trust me on this okay?" I tried to assure her, even though I was slightly doubtful.

"Please don't say anything you don't mean, Wendy."

"Mabel, I do mean it. We will get Dipper back." I said with fake confidence but true determination.

"I hope you're right Wendy. I just need my brother back. I don't care how we do it, but there's no way I'm celebrating our birthday without him." Mabel remarked.

Realization dawned on me, and I tried to keep myself from looking surprised. I had completely forgot that Mabel and Dipper's birthday was at the end of the summer. "We'll bring Dipper home Mabel. I won't let you celebrate without him. And when Dipper gets back I'm going to slap him so hard that the slap can be heard from China, back to here."

I joked, trying to lighten the mood. Mabel didn't smile, she only looked more upset.
"Wendy, we can't let what Dipper just did go in vain. We need to save him! Take back the Falls from Bill and rescue my brother." Mabel said, mustering up some courage, but still biting back a sob.

"That's it Mabel. Positivity is the key." I forced a smile onto my face and faked enthusiasm in my voice, knowing that Mabel needed the encouragement. "Thanks Wendy. For being here for me. I'm going to get some rest now. It's been a long day and I'm exhausted." Mabel said with a yawn to prove her point.

I nodded.

"If you say so. Sleep well, Mabel." Mabel gave me a small smile. "You too, Wendy." She then disappeared behind the attic door but before I walked away, I leaned my ear against the door and heard Mabel talking.

"Please God, if you're really there help us. Help me. I know I've never asked much from you before...or attended church, but I really need you help. Bring my brother back and help the people of this poor town. Please,"

I slowly pushed the door open and peered in through the tiny crack, trying to be as quiet as possible. I saw Mabel getting into her bed, looking longingly at Dipper's bed, before scooping up Waddles and snuggling under her bed covers, falling asleep.

"We will get Dipper back, Mabel. This is a promise I intend on keeping." I murmured before closing the door and leaving Mabel to sleep.

"I'll find you Dipper. And I'll bring you back home," I turned to face Mabel's sleeping figure before leaving the attic. "And that Mabel, is a promise I'm going to keep." I smiled once more, turned around and left the attic.

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