Part 11: Mabel

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I missed him so much. I missed his laugh. His smile. Even his late summer reading when he talked to himself all night long that kept me awake.

If Dipper's changed since I've last saw him--and I mean bad changes--then I probably would break down on the spot of seeing him.

Ford took notes of the Fearamid's shape. It was a giant, 3-dimensional triangle hovering in midair made of blood red bricks. You could hear party music blasting and we had to be careful of random bubbles of weirdness.

When Ford took the notes that he wanted we returned to the Shack. Ford excused himself to his lab, telling us not to go down there because he needed space to think. So then Pacifica and I went up to my bedroom, I was currently sitting on my bed and Pacifica sat on Dipper's, cringing every so often when she saw a dust bunny or a spiderweb.

Soos was in here as well, laying on the floor and Wendy sat with her back against the wall. Waddles was sleeping at the end of my bed, snoring loudly which surprised me because it was only three in the afternoon.

"Ugh...I'm so sick of eating canned food." Wendy complained as she laid her axe beside her. "Same here. I miss fresh pizza and cake and pizza flavored cake." Soos chimed in. I sighed. I missed all of those things too but I could live without them. "I miss my nice big house with all of the maids and butlers doing everything for me..." Pacifica whines with her arms crossed. 

"I miss Dipper."

I said quietly. The room falls into silence and I feel the heavy weight of guilt fall on everyone's shoulders. "I-I'm sorry Mabel...we shouldn't be complaining about silly stuff like that when Dipper', in MIA." Wendy apologized, looking at me sympathetically.

I waved my hand in dismissal as I got off of my bed and walked over to my trunk. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I opened it and pulled out some yarn and needles. I sighed, closing it and walked back over to my bed. I dumped my supplies onto it before plopping myself down and beginning to knit a new sweater.

"Maybe we should try to brainstorm who the other symbols could represent." Pacifica brings up. I get that she's trying to be positive but it just makes me feel even worse.

"Sounds like a good idea to me, dog. So what do we have left again?" Soos chirps. Wendy presses her lips together in thought before closing her eyes and saying, "The Llama, Ice Bag, Glasses and Star Eye." She recalls. A lightbulb suddenly goes off in my head and I gasp in realization. "Guys! I know who the Star Eye represents!"

"Who is it, Mabel-Dog?" Soos asks, curiously.

Everyone looks at me for an answer. I lick my lips and say, "Lemme grab my Cipher Wheel sketch from Ford just to double check." I mumble. I snatch it from underneath my pillow and look at the star eye once more. I nod in confirmation with my thought and share my idea.

"The Star Eye is the exact same symbol Gideon uses for-" "The Tent of Telepathy! Of course! That's brilliant Mabel!" Wendy exclaims with a grin, stealing my thunder. I nod, ignoring that she stole my spotlight. It didn't really matter anyway.

What mattered was that we were now one step closer to getting my brother back and stopping Bill.

"We should tell Ford!" Soos remarked with a smile. The mood in the room seemed to rise and I found myself smiling as well. Just as we all got to our feet to run downstairs to the basement, the door to the attic bedroom opened up revealing Stan and Ford.

" Um...did we interrupt something?" Ford asks, tilting his head in confusion.

"Actually, we were just coming to find you, Grunkle Ford." I chime in. "Is that so? What for?" Ford asks. "We figured out another symbol." Soos beamed. Ford's eyes lit up and I noticed how Stan stood quietly behind Ford, with his arms crossed and his face expressionless.

What was up with him? Wasn't he happy?

"That's awesome! That means we just have two people left to find!" Pacifica cheered. "So which one did you find?" Ford rejoiced excitedly. "The one with the star and the eye in the center. It represents to Gideon Gleeful-" I get cut short again as Stan face-palms himself.

"I'm an idiot! I should've known that! That little twerp's symbol for the Tent of Telepathy is that stupid star! Gosh I'm an idiot!" Stan chides himself.

"Thanks for stealing my thunder again..." I complain under my breath. "Genius! Seven down know! And soon to be eight! Stan and I are heading out into town to find Fiddleford McGucket. He represents the Glasses on the Wheel." Ford's smile wavers. "I haven't seen my old lab partner in years. I just hope he's willing to help out." He murmurs softly, before turning around to leave.

"Wait!" Pacifica exclaims, everyone's attention going to her.

"Yes, Pacifica?" Ford asks. "Who's in charge now? You two are kind of the leaders..." Her voice trails off. The twins share a look and Ford says, "I volunteer Mabel." My eyes widen and I shake my head.

"No, nope, nada, not happening! I've been left in charge for two days before of the Shack and it's something I'd never like to do again. I'm just the motivator. Not the Leader."

"Come on Mabel, you can do it." Ford encourages me. I shake my head again. " thanks." "How about you, Soos and I are in charge? When the three of us are doing together, I'm sure I'll be no trouble at all." Pacifica notes. I sigh in defeat, realizing that no matter how much I protest, I was fighting a battle I couldn't win.

"Alright, fine." I give in.

"Good. The three of us will hopefully be back before dusk. We'll see you then. Use to walkie-talkie to keep in touch with me." Ford hands Mabel a walkie-talkie and Mabel takes it into her grasp. "We'll be back soon. Try not to set anything on fire!" Stan yells as they begin to leave.

Mabel smiles faintly. "Great reassurance speech, Stan." She murmurs to herself and watches them walk down the stairs.

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