Part 7: Wendy

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Night came quick and I barely slept that night. It had felt that just moments ago it had been daylight. I had spent the entire day with Mabel and Pacifica. The three of us brainstorming possible people who could fit the Wheel.

To many thoughts were racing through my head. I just hoped all would work out well. Dipper was like my best friend. There were ten symbols on the Cipher Wheel. Ford had discovered six out of the ten, leaving four left to go.

I recalled the ones that Ford had already figured out.

The Question Mark was Soos. The Fez was Stan. The Pine Tree was Dipper. The Shooting Star was Mabel. The Six Fingered Hand was Ford. The Stitch Heart was Robbie. Good. But what about the other remaining four? I sighed and massaged my forehead. I had a slight headache and I didn't want to do anything. The nosy townsfolk and mystical creatures in the living room weren't helping it.

The symbols left was the weird ice bag symbol, the star eye, the strange llama and the odd pair of glasses. I felt like loosing hope. But I knew I needed to stay positive and brave. Don't show fear.

There was only one person in this town I could trust. And that was Dipper. But now that he was gone I felt lost and confused. I questioned myself more and when I turned him down those few weeks ago. I felt horrible. But I didn't like Dipper in that way. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings, but I couldn't just lead him on.

I was too old for him and he was too young for me. But he was still a great friend and I'd sacrifice anything for him. I groaned as I tossed and turned all night as I laid in my bed. I just couldn't sleep. No matter how are I tried.

After what seemed like forever morning came and I prepared myself for going to the Mystery Shack. I quietly slid out of my sleeping bag that was next to Mabel's bed, got dressed, and put on my hat. Then I grabbed a quick breakfast before finally mounting my bike and riding over to the shack.


I got the downstairs and headed over to the Vending Machine. I pulled out the code to Vending Machine out of my jean pocket. Ford had written down the code for everyone so we knew how to get in. I punched in the code and let the door open up. I exhaled deeply and made my way down the stairs, the thought of breakfast never passing my mind.


When I reached the room, much to my surprise I saw everyone there. Soos sat at an old, beat up computer. I hadn't realized Mabel's bed had been empty when I woken up.

"I'm here!"  I remarked.

All eyes turned to me.

"Sup dog," Soos greeted me with a wave of his hand and then returned to typing on a computer in front of him. "Sup Soos." I replied with a smile and a nod of my head.

"Alright everyone," Ford began, and everyone gathered up in a circle around him. "Today we work on figuring out who else is apart of the Wheel. While you guys do that, I will be taking a trip out to the Fearamid to cover ground and research on it. Anyone want to come with me?" Ford asked as he shouldered a backpack.

"I'll go Grunkle Ford!" Mabel exclaimed with a grin.

"Me too!" Pacifica chimed in, making me look at her in shock. "Alright girls. Follow me for a bag to carry and then we'll head out." Ford ordered. Mabel and Pacifica both nodded and followed Ford out of the room.

"I guess we should go and find more people who could be apart of the Wheel..." I mumble, still doubting this plan. "Yep! Let's go dog!" Soos beamed. Stan sighed. "I just want to rewatch, Ducktective..." I rolled my eyes and we all headed out of the lab, towards the elevator.

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