Part 9: Stan

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I was at a complete loss. I didn't know what to do anymore. Townsfolk living in the Shack. It was great at first, because they trusted me. I was the Leader. The Chief. The one in charge. But then Ford got rescued because Dipper exchanged himself for Ford, came back and the townsfolk fell over him like he was a God.

It angered me. But at the same time, I was grateful for Ford. Without him, the Shack wouldn't be the safe haven and we'd all be dead. Then again, without him none of this would've ever happened. Bill wouldn't be here and the kids would be safe.

The kids.

My mind wandered to Dipper as I sat in my bed in my bedroom, with my door locked so I could tune everything and everyone out. That kid is too smart for his own good. He thinks to fast. Jumps to conclusions to quickly. And now he's been captured by Bill, so instead of having to save Ford, we have to save Dipper.

It's been three days now since Dipper's been taken. The kid may not be physically strong but from what I've witnessed this summer, he's mentally strong. I kept telling myself that when we find him he'll be fine. But then when I remember this is Bill we're dealing with, I question my own logic.

Ford, Pacifica and Mabel had gone out to spy on the Fearamid and try to get any information about it that they could. They came back a few hours ago. No one was hurt, fortunately. I didn't know what I'd do if one of the kids got hurt on my watch. I'd never be aloud to watch them again. I guess you could say that they've grown on me over the course of the summer.

Thanks to them I got my brother back, even if he is a pain in the neck and a stubborn jerk who won't thank me for what I did.

I sighed and pulled out my copy of the Cipher Wheel that Ford had made for Mabel, Wendy, Soos, Pacifica and I. Six symbols down. Four to go. I racked my brain to try to figure out who the other four symbols might represent but none of them rang a bell.

Then someone began pounding their fist loudly on my bedroom door. I groaned before saying, "What?!" "Stan, it's me. Let me in!" Ford yelled from the other side. I found myself glaring at the door, as if in hopes that Ford would feel it through the door like sharp daggers poking at his eyes. "What do you want Ford? I'm busy!" I lied loudly.

"With what? Sleeping? Stan, we need to talk! Open the door! Please..." He added, in a softer tone. My head perked up. Had the punk really just said, please? Was he coming to thank me? Had he come to his senses? I didn't realize how much my hopes had risen until I found myself opening the door and letting my idiotic brother inside.

I crossed my arms and looked at him expectedly. "What?" I grumbled, raising an eyebrow for his response. Ford straightened his tan trench coat and fixed his poster. He was so uptight. "I think I found out who the Glasses symbol belongs to, but I need your help with finding the person." Ford remarked. 

I scoffed. "Can't ya do it yourself Poindexter?" I was getting mad. This wasn't why I let him in. He was suppose to be thanking me. "Stanley, I haven't been in this town for years. I don't know my way around, and with the apocalypse happening, I'd rather not risk dying. It's for Dipper, Stan. If you care about the kid, you'll help me." I wanted to refuse but he had me trapped. Well played.

"Fine, I'll help you. But what do you want me to  do?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Help me find, Fiddleford McGucket."

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