Part 18: Dipper

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My eyes groggily peeled open and just as it had the day before, I was woken up to a beam of sunlight steaming in through my bedroom wall of windows.

Life as of this very second couldn't be better. Everything was perfect despite the little nagging voice in the back of my mind, constantly reminding me that this wasn't real. None of it was. 

But surely no one would mind if I stayed here just for one more day. I wasn't ready to return to the world of Bill just yet, even if my Bubble itself was created by Bill. Now I was starting to see what Mabel saw in her Bubble. I was beginning understand her point of view and oh, how I should've listened. But at the same time, my argument to win her back was pretty logical. I just couldn't decide which life I preferred.

Fantasy? Or reality?

Everyone in my bubble though from what I've seen is happy. Mabel has her own Sweater shop despite being a twelve year old girl where she can knit and make money all day long. Wendy's my girlfriend and she doesn't seem to have a problem with it anymore. I laid in bed, pondering what everyone else in my fantasy Bubble could be doing when there was a knock on my door.

"It's open!" I called out, still snuggled under my warm blankets I prompt myself up into a sitting position. I watched my grand bedroom doors slowly open up, perfect for dramatic entrances. A nice touch if I do say so myself. Wendy walks in gracefully, once again wearing a sparkly, dark blue dress but this time in a different style.

Her hair is braided elegantly over her shoulder and an expensive looking necklace rests on her neck. Her face is pampered with makeup, which is something I still had to get use to seeing. Despite that though, she was still as breathtaking as yesterday. "What? Is there something on my face, Tyrone?" She joked with a smile and batted her eyelashes.

I shook my head, snapping myself out of my daydream and remembered that in this world, I was Tyrone "Dipper" Pines. It made me smile at the thought. I had my dream name in this world. Not my real name. "What? Oh, no, of course not! You're just so stunning in that outfit!" I jump to recover. Wendy giggles and I notice a clipboard in her hand.

"How sweet. Anyways, you're agenda today is free. You can do whatever you please and use today as you wish. Have any ideas in mind for what you're going to do?" She asks with a smile. I hum aloud in thought and then say, "I think I'll just take a stroll around the town."

Wendy furrows her eyebrows for a second, but then shrugs. "That's a little different, but if you say so. I'll come with you-" "No!" I quickly interject. Hurt flashes across Wendy's eyes and it makes me want nothing more than to apologize but I force myself not to give in. "I don't mean to hurt you, Wendy, really I don't. I love being around you but...but today...I just need some time to myself. Alright?"

Wendy glares at me with her arms crossed. "You finally have everything you've ever wanted Tyrone. Call me when you get over it." And with that, she spins around on her heels and storms out of my room. I exhale deeply and massage my temples. It's fine. I try to assure myself. "Wendy will get over it. Besides, it's my Bubble. I'm in control. I can just fix it later."

With that thought in mind, I hope out of bed and clap my hands twice in command. Just as I had wanted, my silky pajamas disappear into my usual attire and I leave the penthouse without breakfast, for a walk around the town. I aimlessly stroll the streets of the new and improved, Gravity Falls. A forest of mystical creatures still surrounds it, but each building has a futuristic touch to it, making them all unique.

It made me wonder who had designed the town.

"Hey Dipper!" A voice with a thick southern accent exclaims from behind me. I jump from being startled, quickly spun around only to come face to face with Gideon Gleeful. He looked the same as he did in reality. Same clothes. Same oversized and probably fake hair. Same suit and...same amulet. That's weird.

"Um...hey Gideon?" My statement and attempt at being polite comes out more as a question. Gideon grins. "I wanted to thank ya'll again for getting me together with your sister. We're so happy together." He sighs pensively and my eyes widen. "Wait, what?! Since when did I help you and Mabel get together?!" I exclaim with shock.

"You don't remember? Ha! Of course ya don't! You're too busy bein' famous to remember!" Gideon laughed but I was not finding this conversation at all funny. "Gideon, answer my question. When did I help you two get together? Mabel hates you." I note. Gideon stops laughing and looks hurt.

"N-No she doesn't. My sugarplum loves me. In fact, I was just on my way over to her store to pick her up for a date." Gideon insists. My thoughts feel all jumbled up and I place a head to my hand, feeling overwhelmed. "Dipper, are ya'll alright? Where's Wendy? Do I need to call a doctor?" Gideon offers. I squeeze my eyes shut, steadying my breathing and getting my thoughts together.

My eyes snap open and I decided I need to find my fantasy version of Stan and Ford. "N-No I'm...I'm fine. Really. I doesn't matter. Look, we'll talk later, alright? Have fun on your date. I've gotta go!" And before Gideon can say a single protest, I take off running down the street, in search of anything that may resemble the Mystery Shack.

I take off into the woods, in the direction that if this was the real world, it's where the Mystery Shack would be. I lick my parched lips and turn past some familiar looking pine trees. I start to see old, worn out signs that point towards the Shack. My heart is racing. This world is messing with my mind.

First Wendy's my girlfriend. Next, my name gets changed to Tyrone. Following that, I'm a famous and rich paranormal hunter who lives in a penthouse. After that, Mabel has her own sweater shop at age twelve. Lastly, Gideon and Mabel are dating. That was the last straw. Everything was perfect up until that point.

This must be part of Bill's trick, well jokes on you Bill, I'm not falling for it.

I gasp in horror, when I reach the spot where the Mystery Shack would've been. I fall to my knees and horror washes over me. The Shack is burned to the ground with only parts of it's exterior remaining. There's no side of Stan or Ford anywhere, and that's what scares me the most. I stand up to my feet and scold myself for getting caught off track.

This isn't real. It's only a dream. Only my imagination.

I try to assure myself as I run deeper into the woods, searching for answers that I will probably never find.

Believe it Pine Tree. This is real. This is not your imagination. And it's. All. Your. Fault.

Bill's voice suddenly chimes in my head. "Bill?! Bill where are you?!" I scream loudly, trying to pinpoint where his voice is coming from. "Miss me, Pine Tree?" A blinding flash of light appears before me and I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to loose my good eye site.

"You can look now kid, I'm not going to turn you to ashes or something like that." Bill's voice suddenly booms before me. My eyes snap open and I find myself first terrified at the site of the illuminacho before me, but then that fear is replaced by burning hatred and anger. "What have you done to the Shack, Bill?! Where's Stan and Ford?!" I screamed loudly, demanding for answers.

"Pushy, pushy, Pine Tree. Take a chill pill, sheesh. Fez and Sixer are fine for now, but if you don't give me the formula in twenty-four hours then we're going to have some problems. Going to tell it to me, now?" Bill asks, batting his eyelash. "No! Never! I don't even know what the formula is!" I yelled. Bill sighed in annoyance.

"Fine, continue being stubborn. You'll crack Pine Tree, and when you do, I'll be here to see it. Let's see how much longer it takes for the little Pine Tree to burn." Bill cackles. "Sixer was smart. He must've put a lock in the part of your mind where the formula is. I've tried searching your mind while you sleep and I have no luck with finding it. But don't worry Pine Tree. I've waited this long to get the formula and be in this dimension, I can wait a little longer. Just call my name, when you're ready to hand over the formula kid. I'll be watching you."

And with that, Bill dramatically disappeared leaving me alone to my fear and dismay. I felt myself breaking as I fell to my knees and let myself let it out and cry.

Gravity Falls: How to Burn a Pine TreeWhere stories live. Discover now