Part 16: Dipper

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No Dipper...don't be tempted into doing anything! Just handle it like you handled Mabel's bubble! Ignore it! This isn't reality! it so wrong that I wish it was?

"Is everything alright, Dipper?" Wendy asked me with concern as she walked towards me with grace and elegance. "" I stammered. Smooth Dipper. Smooth. Wendy giggled and gave me a small kiss on my cheek. She kissed me on the cheek! What?! I couldn't contain my happiness!

"Hey, just wondering Dipping Sauce, but why are you still in your pajamas? You have a busy day ahead of you today, you know. You have an interview in two hours with Shandra Jimenez, which is at eleven o'clock, mind you. Then you have to do a ribbon cutting at your sister's new sweater store. After that, a Greet-and-Meet with your fans and later on, a date with me."

Wendy smiled happily at the last part and I blinked in confusion. "Am I dreaming?" I stammered. Wendy laughed and shook her head. "Of course not, silly!" I groaned and massaged my temples. This wasn't real. This was a trick. felt so real. Like it was actually happening. Was it actually happening? Or am I finally loosing it?

"Dipper? Dipper are you okay?"

Wendy asked me worriedly as she placed a hand on my shoulder. I rubbed my eyes and blinked them a few times. This couldn't be real. It was too good to be true. "I...I'm fine...just a little headache. But I'm fine. Really. Um...I'm just going to get dressed now, if you don't mind." I mumbled, my cheeks heating up sheepishly.

Wendy giggled, again.

"Sure thing, Ty. I'll leave you too it. I'll have the Butler bring you're breakfast up in a few minutes. Sound good?" I blinked again. "Ty? Who's 'Ty'? I'm Dipper." I countered, feeling overwhelmed. Wendy placed a hand to my forehead then pulled it away quickly, frowning.

"You're Tyrone, it's my nickname for you. Because you know, you're real name is Tyrone Pines? Duh. Also, you're burning up. Are you sure you're feeling okay? I can always call a Doctor and cancel today's appointments." Wendy assured me but I waved my hand in dismissal. " No I'm fine. Really. I'm going to get dressed now."

I said with a fake smile. Wendy nodded, not looking convinced but didn't question it. "I'll leave you to it." She then kissed me gently on the lips before turning around and walking out of the overly sized room, leaving me alone to my thoughts. I ran a hand through my hair, gazing down at my silk light blue pajamas that darker blue pine trees throughout it.

This is nuts!

First...I wake up in a king sized bed, in a high-tech room. Then, Wendy walks in, in an outfit that the real Wendy would never wear. Thirdly, she kissed me! Not once, but twice! Once on the cheek, and the second on the lips! Something definitely isn't right. But maybe if I stay here a little longer... I can figure it out.

I logically think.

It was kind of nice though. Having the girl of my dreams love me back. Being this rich famous explorer guy. I hum in thought and walk over to a desk that's off to the side of the room and is covered with papers. I look at the one on the top and it's a picture of me, looking heroic and battling a bunch of floating eyeballs.

The headline reads: 'Teenage Mystery Solver Genius Sensation!' Kind of wordy, but still nice. I then remember that I need to change and look back down at my silk pajamas. I hum in thought and a lightbulb goes off in my head when I remember that this is my bubble.

I can do what I want...right? Just like Mabel could. Yeah...

I think of wearing my usual clothes. My blue vest, red shirt, shorts, sneakers and hats. Snapping my fingers, what I wanted to wear is suddenly on my body. My hair is magically brushed and I feel refreshed and clean. I smile happily but my joyful moment is disturbed by a knock on my door. I frown for a second, then remember it's probably the Butler that Wendy had mentioned.

"You can come in!" I yell, hoping that they heard me. The door opens up and I watch a man-who is dressed in a tux-walk with a silver trey plater, with a cap in one hand and the other hand behind his back. He walks with proper posture and grace as he walks down the steps from the door and makes his way over to me. He gives a bow and puts the plater towards me.

"Your breakfast, Master Pines." He says in a thick British accent and I remember him as the Butler from Pacifica's mansion. "Um, thank you." I gratefully take the plater from him and find my stomach growling eagerly. "Is that all, Master Pines?" The Butler asks, politely. "Uh, yeah. That's all. Thank you." I smile at him and he nods. "It is my pleasure, sir."

He then turns around and leaves my room. I sigh, carrying the plater over to my bed. I sit down on the edge of my bed with the silver plater on my lap. I carefully remove the cover and place it beside me, my stomach growling more loudly by the second, my mouth beginning to water when I see all of the food.

Eggs, pancakes, sausage and bacon sit before me, freshly made and still warm. I quickly dive in and devour it all down, finally feeling satisfied of my hunger.


Wendy and I walk down the streets of Gravity Falls, people snapping pictures of as we go along. It makes me feel slightly uncomfortable and anxious but I learn to ignore it and just roll with it.

We approach a building with a sign that says, 'Shandra Jimenez's Talk Show' in bright lights. A grin spreads across my face as we walk inside through the door meant for employees with backstage passes. My mind momentarily questions, since when does Shandra own a talk show? But then it pushes the question aside and focuses on the present.

The talk went smoothly, if I do say so myself. Shandra was different in my fantasy world, from the real world. Instead of a normal news reporter, turns out her talk show is famous world wide anyone who was anyone would kill to be on her show.

She asked me questions about my adventures and what it was like to be a 'paranormal adventurer'. I answered them, some truthfully (based on reality) and others with things I had only fantasied happening.

But this was my bubble. My fantasy world so I could say and do anything I wanted to. After that, as Wendy had told me before we went off to the grand opening of Mabel's homemade/DIY sweater store which she named, 'Sweater Town'. Fortunately, my fantasy version of Mabel remained similar to her real life version.

She was supportive of my career and lifestyle. It was perfect. By brain every so often wandered of to ask what had happened to Stan, Ford, Soos, Candy, Grenda, Pacifica and so forth but found it irrelevant and carried on.

We then went to the central part of Gravity Falls where I did a Meet-and-Greet with fans who came from across all around the world, just to meet me. It was all I had ever dreamed my life to be. It was perfect. Not a single flaw.

When that finished, to put the cherry on the top, Wendy I had gone on a date to a fancy restaurant that if I had just been the real me, I wouldn't of have the money to pay for it all. But because I was in charge, I could do as I pleased.

Wendy and I returned to what I learned was my penthouse and the biggest building in Gravity Falls. Apparently I owned my own Monster Hunting business with a college dedicated to the paranormal. Wendy kissed me on the lips once more to say goodnight before we parted ways.

I happily skipped the rest of the way to my room where I snapped my fingers and my pajamas magically appeared on my body. I crashed into the bed and let my world get pulled into a blanket of darkness.

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