Part 19: Mabel

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I sighed as I looked at the clock on the wall. Ten fifteen pm, it read. Ford, Wendy, Soos, Pacifica. McGucket, Waddles and I were all gathered in the basement, discussing plans of attack. Stan was still in bed, resting. Ford had gave us a brief overview on what happens to Stan and ordered us all to not bug him.

The sun would be setting now, marking the end of the seventh day of Weirdmageddon. Seven full days without Dipper. I had my elbow prompted up on the table with my head resting on my hand. Ford had blueprints scattered across the table we sat at, him and McGucket were strategizing and sketching on the blueprints.

None of us knew what they were talking about.

Ford had called at a family meeting and only him and McGucket were the only ones doing the talking. I sighed, wishing I was upstairs in my room working on sweaters. It was getting cold out, which was odd because it was Summer. I assumed it was probably some side affect of Weirdmageddon.

"Hey, I don't mean to be rude Ford, but if you're just going to talk with McGucket the whole time, can we leave?" Wendy chimed. Ford stopped talking and heat rose to his cheeks. "Oh sorry! I forgot you guys were here! You all can leave in just a minute. But first, I got this brilliant plan to take down Bill, besides using the Zodiac thing." Ford remarked with a smile.

My eyes lit up. "Really? How?" I felt my hopes rising, but me being me, couldn't tell myself to bring them down. I was always the one with high hopes and then I was usually the one who's hopes got crushed. But I trusted Ford, with my life. He wouldn't let me down, at least not purposely.

Ford turned his blueprint around for us all to look at. My eyes looked over the blueprint in amazement and wonder.

 My eyes looked over the blueprint in amazement and wonder

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It was incredible! Brilliant!

"Grunkle Ford, this is amazing! We should get started on it right away! Then we can rage war on the Fearamid, defeat Bill and save Dipper!" I exclaimed brightly, excitement rising up inside me.

Ford gave a halfhearted chuckle and my shoulders slumped a little. "What's so funny?" I asked, fearing the answer. He took the blueprint back and turned it around so it was facing him and McGucket again.

"The Shacktron, will take a few days to build Mabel, if we want it to be foolproof. We can just start attaching random pieces of machinery to the Shack and hope it's stable enough and won't kill us." Ford explained. "We also have to fix up the blueprint a little here and there as well!" McGucket chimed in.

I felt cheated. I was so close to getting my brother back. We found a way to take down Bill. We found a way to keep everyone safe. Heck, we even found a way to get Dipper back, and here they are, stalling! Why couldn't they have made a simpler and more fast design?

It wasn't fair.

"Mabel?" Ford asked gently. "Are you alright?" Concern laced through each word and I knew he was trying his best but his best just wasn't good enough. I needed my brother back now. Not in a few days. Now. "I need to get some fresh air and clear my mind. Excuse me."

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