Part 5: Dipper

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I was loosing it. I knew that for a fact.

Bill came in every so often to give me food, so I wouldn't die but being isolated in darkness and silence was going to drive me up the wall. It hadn't been long, I knew that much. But it felt like it had been an eternity.

It wasn't fun I'll you that. Everything hurt. I just wanted to curl up into a ball and let death take me away.Too dark? Yeah...I agree. But I can't help it. I currently sit, imprisoned in some enchanted castle in Bill's dimension, in a dungeon, wishing for it all to end.

My ankle was still shackled and it just made things even worse. If I touched it, it would tighten. My ankle felt raw and dry as redness from the tightness began to spread. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall. Bill still didn't tell me what he wanted from me, but at least my family and friends were safe.


A tear fell from my eye and trickled down my cheek. No Dipper. Stop crying. It's a sign of weakness. But I couldn't stop. More tears began to flow. Pulling my knees to my chest, I buried my head in my hands and let the tears fall.

I miss Stan, I miss Ford, Soos, Wendy, Pacifica, Waddles, my parents (whom I haven't seen in what's felt like forever!) and Mabel.

But I mainly miss Mabel. I don't know what Mabel's doing or if she's moping around...depressed by my absents. I missed her more then anything. I needed to stay strong. For her.

"Oh...Pine Tree!"

I hear that oh-so familiar voice. I cringe and curl myself up into a ball, trying to hide myself but knowing it'll do me no good.

"1, 2, 3, 4,"  I count under my breath. It's been at least a week since I've been here. I fear if I stay any longer I'll break and lose my sanity.

I've read somewheres that if I count, it should help me stay sane. I don't know if it's true but it's worth a try.

Anything is worth a try right now. That's how desperate I am.

"Pine Tree," Bill purred again and giggled hysterically after it. "5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10..." I continue quietly. The door to my cell opens up. No, this isn't my fact, it doesn't even belong to me.

Why am I calling it my cell? Oh probably because I've been here so long it seems like it belongs to me. That's just sad.  Bill floats in, he looks at me and hums in thought. "...13, 14, 15, 16, 17..."  I add on. "Pine Tree, you don't look so good. Do you want some food?"

Bill asks me, in an almost too polite voice. One that didn't ft his personality at all.  I shake my head and continue counting. I hug my knees to my chest and try to avoid eye-contact with Bill. I'm lying.

I'm absolutely starving but o refuse to give in.

"18, 19, 20, 21, 22..."

I murmur and squeeze my eyes shut. My stomach growls and I curse mentally to myself.
I mentally scold my stomach. My stomach growls again like a rebellious teenager who's parents told them not to go to party, but they go anyways.

I groan and count on.

"I think you're lying to me Pine Tree."

Bill states. He snaps his fingers and a freshly made, warm grilled cheese sandwich appears on a plate in his hand. Along with some fries and a cup of water. My mouth waters at the site but I force myself not to give in.

I squeezed my eyes shut.

"25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30..." I whisper. A single tear leaks from my eye.

"Aw, Pine Tree, don't cry. It'll all be over soon. I'll win and rule this town and world, I'll be the overall King! Now, I hate being lied to. I can read your mind and I know that your hungry. So take it Pine Tree, before I make you eat it."

Bill hisses.

"I want to you survive long enough to see my victory. Then I'll make you suffer. You'll watch all of your loved ones die right before your eyes. After that, I'll kill you...slowly and painfully." Bill promises and I whimper slightly.

"34, 35, 3...6,"

I croak.

"Here Pine Tree. We both know that you want the food." Bill places the food in front of me.

When he leaves... I'll eat the food. I think, trying calm down my growling stomach.

"Enjoy your meal Pine Tree. It may be your last full one, so use it wisely. Meanwhile, I have a world to dominate and rule. Those petty mortals in that town of yours make me laugh. Enjoy your personal hell. I'll see you soon, hats off to you Pine Tree."

Bill laughs again before snapping his fingers and disappearing. When I'm sure that he's gone, I greedily devour the food. My stomach slowly beginning to be satisfied but not quite.

I eat every bit of the food on the plate, then thirstily swallow down the water. I sigh tiredly and and lean my head against the cold, concrete cell.

Please come soon Mabel. I need you. Don't let me parish here...stop Bill. And save me. Please.

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