Part 21: Dipper

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When I was done crying my eyes out for who knows how long, I decided it was time for me to leave this so-called "fantasy" world. I was done with it. I had my fun and now I needed to leave and get back home. I was done being Bill's little "puppet". I was no longer going to act as one of his pawns. I was going to be a knight. I was going to fight back and win.

After collecting my thoughts and calming myself down, I ran from the Shack back to my penthouse. I managed to make my way inside without Wendy seeing me, and went to my oversized bedroom that could fit a small New York City apartment in it. I paced back and forth, trying to remember how Wendy, Soos, and I helped Mabel escape her bubble.

Then it hit me.

I remembered that Mabel's bubble had a huge lock around the outside. I needed a key. But that would be pointless. The lock was on the outside of the bubble, not the inside. So I needed to think of something else. How else did I help Mabel escape? What was the one rule that couldn't be broken inside the bubble or you'd loose your power and be banished?


That was it! I just had to mention reality and boom! I would be exiled and fasted back into the real world. It was perfect. Okay, now to put it into action. "Reality!" I yelled loudly in my bedroom. I braced myself for something to happen, but oddly enough, nothing did.

"Um...reality?" I tried again.

Still nothing. I was beginning to panic. What else could work? What else could set me free? Think Dipper, think! "I want to go back to reality!" I screamed into the air. "Reality is better then this fantasy world! Take me back! Let me leave! I'm done with this place!" I yelled as loudly as my lungs would let me.

Maybe I had over done it.

I screamed in terror as my penthouse began to fall apart, disappearing into dust right before my eyes. The floor beneath me vanished and I suddenly found myself falling towards the ground. The penthouse of my dream had completely disappeared. I tried clapping my hands for a trampoline or something bouncy to catch me. But nothing happened.

I squeezed my eyes shut, and waited for the impact. It came hard and fast. I felt my body smash into the pavement, knocking the wind out of me. I coughed hardly and shook my head as I painfully pushed myself up to my feet. I had tiny cuts all over my hands and my knees were scrapped up. I groaned and placed a hand to my head, my vision swarming and my body feeling weak.

I didn't want to move, but I knew I had to get up to my feet. When my senses came to, I saw the whole town surrounding me, looking angry and ready to kill me. This wasn't what I had planned, or wished to accomplish but if it meant escaping my bubble then it would be worth it.

"Um...what are you guys all doing here?" I asked sheepishly, forcing a grin onto my face.

"You broke the one rule that should never be spoke of. Not cool Hambone, not cool at all." Fantasy Soos said, stepping forward in the crowd. "How could you Tyrone? Don't you realize what a future we could've had together? You have everything you ever could of dreamed of. We could've gotten married. Have kids Why would you want to go back to...that?"

Wendy was standing next to Soos, looking hurt and betrayed as she waved her hand and a portal revealing the real Gravity Falls appearing in front of her. It showed the bridge that led into my bubble with Wendy, Pacifica and Mabel. They appeared to be arguing. That wasn't good. They looked horrible.

Pacifica wore a llama sweater, which I had to bite my tongue from laughing at. Her hair was a mess, mud was splattered all over her and little cuts were on her face. Wendy wasn't better. Her hair was dangled and messy. She had a green sweater tied around her waist and scrapes covering both of her arms. Then there was Mabel.

My heart shattered a little at her appearance.

She had her grappling hook in her hand, a backpack on, one of her sweaters on that was torn in a couple of places. Dark and deep bags hung under her eyes and stains from tears were evident on her cheeks. This wasn't a side of my sister that I had ever wanted to see, and yet here was.

But this wax home. Even if we were in the middle of an apocalypse, it was still home.


I thought eagerly.

"Because you guys aren't real. Nothing in this world is. Nothing's stable or promising a good future. It's all imagination. That's why. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a demon to defeat and a world to save." And before any of them could object, I took the opportunity at hand and jumped into the portal.


I would like to say that I landed gracefully on my feet on the other side, but unfortunately that wouldn't be the truth. I landed face-first. Nice. I groaned and rolled over onto my back, wanting nothing more then to curl up into a ball and sleep.


A frantic voice cried that sounded all too familiar. I pushed myself up into a sitting position and found myself being almost hugged to death by Mabel. I hugged her back, more tighter then she had hugged me. "How...How did you escape? We were just coming to rescue you..." Mabel's voice trailed off as we pulled apart from the hug.

She gave me a hand and helped me up to my feet.

"Long story short, I mentioned the one word that is basically forbidden to be mentioned in Bill's bubbles." I replied, brushing the dirt off of my shorts. All of the sudden, Pacifica came over and punched my forearm. "Ow! What was that for?" I complained as I rubbed my sore arm that would probably bruise. "That, was for scarring me. And that-" Pacifica grabbed my shirt and pulled me into a kiss.

My eyes widened and the kiss lasted for just a few seconds, but it had felt like an eternity. Pacifica broke the kiss so we could both breath and added, "Was for coming back, alive." I touched my lips with one hand, feeling awestruck and surprised. Mabel giggled. "Pacifica and Dipper, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G-"

I groaned. "Mabel, that's so immature. Knock it off." Mabel laughed. "Okay, but just for now." I rolled my eyes and Wendy took her turn to come over and slapped my other arm. "Hey!" I complained. "Welcome back you big nerd." I pouted and replied with, "Harsh welcome back." "Next time, don't make deals with a dream demon then this won't happen." Wendy chided and I rolled my eyes again.

"Hey guys...what's that?"

Pacifica asked, standing near the edge of the broken bridge. I noticed that my bubble had vanished but when I looked where Pacifica was pointing, I gasped and my eyes widened. "No way. What even..."

"Come in Mabel-Dog, this is Soos."

Mabel took off her backpack, yanked it open and pulled out a walkie-talkie. "This is Mabel. What's up Soos? Are you by any chance seeing what we're seeing?" Mabel asked, speaking into the walkie-talkie. "Oh you mean the Shacktron?" Soos replies. "The Shack-what?" Dipper mimics in confusion.

"Hey, Dip-Dog! You're alive! Secret rescue mission accomplished! Also, the Shacktron is good. Do not destroy it. We're coming to help. Lastly, Ford knows about the rescue mission Mabel." "Wait, what?!" Mabel cried. "Gotta go, dog. We'll meet you in the Fearamid. Soos is over and out." Mabel's walkie-talkie turns to static and Mabel turns it off.

"What did Soos mean by, Secret Rescue Mission?" I ask my sister suspiciously, raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms. Mabel laughs sheepishly. "That doesn't matter right now, Bro-Bro. What matters is meeting up with everyone in the Fearamid. We'll talk about this later. Now let's go!"

Oh joy.

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