Part 6: Ford

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It's been two days since Dipper made the deal with Bill and Bill took Dipper as prisoner. As of now, I was the only one who knew what Bill wanted from Dipper, and Dipper didn't even have what Bill wants. Eventually, Bill will realize it. But for now, he's oblivious to the truth as usual.

Mabel has been spending most of her time in the basement with me (or also known as my lab that only McGucket, Stan, Wendy, Soos and Pacifica know about. The townsfolk are blissfully unaware of it). We have been discussing multiple plans of attack but none of which we could all agree on.

Some were too risky. Others were not thought through well enough. Then there were those few that were just plain stupid. Despite our disagreements, I wasn't giving up. Not on Dipper. Mabel didn't seem to want to give up either so here we were, two hours from midnight, discussing a plan.

Just the two of us.

"Grunkle Ford, what else do we have left as an option? Who knows what Bill's doing to Dipper right now! I'm almost to the point that I don't care about what'll happen to me. I'll do anything to get Dipper back. I owe everything to him."

Mabel remarked. I exhaled deeply, and thought about my next words carefully before speaking. I comfortingly placed a hand on Mabel's shoulder, trying my best to do it in a fatherly manner but I wasn't all that great with comforting others.

"Mabel, I know you want Dipper back. I do too. And we will make it happen, it's just we have to be logical about this. Bill wants something from Dipper that Dipper doesn't have. I know and have what Bill wants, but giving it to him would mean the end of the world. For now, we let Bill think Dipper has what he wants. By the he figures out the truth, it'll be too late. We'll have rescued your brother and we'll put an end to his madness. Trust me."

Mabel looked at me with her shoulders slumped and any last bit of hope fading from her eyes. "Grunkle Ford...I want to believe you but...but-"

"It's okay Mabel. No need to explain yourself. I understand. I'd be the same way if I was in your shoes. But no matter. I'm so close to cracking this old incantation that would destroy Bill. I just need a little more time." I murmured. "Grunkle Ford time isn't on our side! I need to find my brother, with or without you! If we're going to do something, we have to do it now!"

Mabel exclaimed. I exhaled deeply. "Mabel, breathe. We have time. It may not seem like it, but we do. Just keep your chin up and hopes high." Mabel sighed. "When I see that Illuminacho, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind."

Mabel said darkly in a way that I had never seen her before. Her expression grew determined, and eyes sparked with the faintest bit of hope. I blinked in slight confusion.

"Illuminacho?" I mimicked, tilting my head in confusion.

Mabel nods. "Yeah, Dipper came up with it. Bill looks like a nacho and he's an illuminati so Dipping Sauce combined the words and bam! The Illuminacho was born!"Mabel says. I smile and give a small chuckle.

"Why don't you head up and get some rest Mabel, alright? It's getting rather late." Mabel frowns and tilts her head, concern flashing across her eyes. "What about you Grunkle Ford? Don't you need rest too?" I give a small smile and pat her on the back. "I'll be fine Mabel. I'll go to bed soon."

Mabel raises an eyebrow.


I give another small chuckle. "I promise." She smiled. "Okay. Good night Grunkle Ford." She gives me a quick hug before leaving me alone to my thoughts in the dusk of night. As I sit there, scrummaging through old notes thoughts cross my mind. Anger boils up inside of me when I see an old sketch of Bill.

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