Sam's sister, Leah's BFF, and ******'s Imprnt? WOW!

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A/N: All rights go where they belong. Only the characters you don't know are mine. Also the girl on the over is Lenie (Lean-E) but the girl next to the story is Mel.

"Sweetheart, are you all packed up?" My mothers voice came from my door way.

"Yeah, I just need to get these last two bags down into the car." I call withour looking up.

"Alright, the twins are down stairs with dad."

I look up and smile, "Thanks, is Mel here yet?"

She shake her head, "No, but she will be."

I nod and notice her sill standing there, watching me.

"Mom? What's wrong?"

She shakes her head with tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry, sweetie. Its just that I feel like you wouldn't be leaving if-if..." Her bottom lip trembles.

"It's not your fault, mom. It's nobodies." I whisper, eyes downcast. "Besides, its in the past.What's happened, happened. We can't change that."

She smiles, "When did you get so smart?" She teased.

I roll my eyes, "Pl-ease, this level of smartness can't be learned. You either have it or you don't, and hun I have it!"

"Knock, knock. Who's there? Mel. OMG Mel, you godess you! Thanks for gracing us with your presence! No problem, I remember you little peope."

I roll my eyes as my mom laughs, "Good to see you, Mel."

"Hey, Mrs. H. How's life been teating ya?" My best friend, Melina Scott.

"Lives fine. How's Beth?"

"She's ok, just tired. Chemo wears her out."

"Poor dear, you are such a sweatheat helping her. Well, I'll leave you two alone then."

After she walked out Mel throw herself on my old bed. "God, I love that women Your mom is awesome, Lenie (Lean-E)."

"I know, she's been really great." I shove her off the bed with a THUD.

"So, do you know where the houe is or are you gona have to search?"

" I know where the street is so we'll be fine. Come on, I gotta get on the road."

We walk downstairs in silence, not uncomfortable just depressing.

The twin are both playing with my dad as we make our way over.

"Hey, dad. Taanks for watching the twins while I finished packing." I smile at him as everyone follows me out the front doo.

"Mommy, are we leaving now?" Damien asked.

"Yes, hun. We gotta get going." I smile at him as Arabelle pouted.

"But Mommy! I was beating grandpa and Damien," Her golden hair helped add to her 'innocent angel' look.

"Sorry, sunshine, but we have to leave before it gets dark." I responde as everyone hugged us and we hugged back.

My dad helped me pack the last bag in the trunk as Mel and my mom buckled the twins, hugging and kissing them repeatedly.

"Tell your brother to stop acting like a stranger, kay? We're family. I know he doesn't exactly approve of me marrying your mom but he doesn't have to talk to me. Your mother misses him. You'll let him know that right, sweetheart?" Dad tells me as we stand behind the car still.

I smile and hug him around the waist, "Of course, Daddy. I'll make him call you and mom."

He smiles gruffly, "Good, now you be careful. Stop if you feel tired at all. Make sure you can see the road clearly. If it gets dark find the nearest motel and settle down."

I roll my eyes, "Yes, dad."

I hope in the car, wave one last time, and pull out of the driveway.

'Good-bye, can't say I'll miss this place.Or most of the people.' I think to myself as faces flash through my mind.

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