Chapter 24- Rescuing Anna

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Shawn's POV

We leave Mr. Groban's house without wasting any time to leave and go to John's dreading and yet hoping for the best. We get there and I knock on the door and John opens the door with his blackeye still visible, which I tried my best not to laugh. "Where is it?" Aiden doesn't hesitate to say and John looks at him innocent, " What are you talking about?"and Aiden grabs him by the neck," DON'T PLAY WITH ME...I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR DAMN GAMES". John smirks and looks at us," you both might want to calm down....if you don't want anything to happen to your precious paper" he says rather calm. Dammit he DID have it..I tighten my fist and Aiden lets him go but doesn't stop glaring at him. "Where is it?...We need it" I say to him trying to stay calm. He lets us in and we sit down in the living room and he grabs the paper and walks near the fire, "You both will do what I say if you want it?" Aiden shoots up but I pull him back down. "What do you want?" I say to him. " I want you both to leave Anna alone forever" he says and Aiden speaks," Like hell that will happen...just because you screwed up doesn't mean she deserves to be alone"

I look at John and see he was ready to throw the paper into the fire and I stand up and look at him with pleading eyes," look...Anna...she's in danger and if there is even an ounce in you that still cares for her..please give us the papers" He looks at me with a blank expression," why would I care for someone like her...I have a girlfriend who you both messed tell me why should I help you?" I was losing hope and ready to give up because it didn't look like he was going to give us the papers. While he had his attention on me however Aiden took the chance and grabbed the envelope and punched John knocking him out," Thats for wasting our time you prick and for this you can expect this everyday from now on from me" He kicks him in the stomach while he walks out and I follow behind. We head back to Mr. Grobans house with it and he lets us in and he looks at the results and confirms that he IS in fact Anna's birth father. "Thanks so much you's late tonight but with this I can get her out tomorrow" He let us stayed the night so we could all leave to get her first thing in the morning.

Mr Groban's POV

While the boys was sleep I looked at the results and smiled, I was happy to know that Anna was my daughter..she looked so much like her mother. I decided to call it a night and go ahead and go to sleep since I wanted to be up early. When I woke up I looked at the time and saw the boarding school won't allow calls and people for another 2 hours so I decided to make breakfast for all of us and the smell woke them both up. After I finished cooking and we sat down and ate and we all got up and got ready, I grabbed the papers and quickly we headed to my car and left. We drove for what seemed like hours on in to get to the boarding school and when we got there the place was quiet. I parked in front of the place and we all got out and started walking to the door when Aiden stops half way. "Aiden..what's wrong?" Shawn says and he replies," I don't know I have a weird taste in my mouth" He brushed it off and we knocked on the door.

The lady the boys recognized her immediately and gave her a glare," Yes may I help you sir?" she asked and I told her I was here to pick up Anna and showed her the papers that I was her father. She looked at it for what seemed like forever and she told me to follow her to sign papers to release her and while walking she asked one of the girls to go get Anna. After about an hour of filling papers she finally gets up and walks out the office and we follow her," Where is Anna?" She asked one of the girls and the child replies," She's in the bathroom" We follow her and the lady knocks on the bathroom but no response so she knocks harder and still nothing, she tries to turn the knob to find that it's been locked and she quickly reaches for her key and unlocks the door and when she opens the door all you could here was alot of gasps and Anna laying lifeless on the ground next to empty bottle of pills. I picked her up and glared at the lady," you better pray that I don't sue you and this school for what you did to her" I walk out and head to the car and the boys follow and I drive home but on the way asked a private doctor to meet us there with a personal medical bed and equipment. When we get there I put Anna in the room she stayed in and the doctor looked at her and said she was going to be ok but she's in a coma and don't know when she will wake up. The doctor puts the equipment on her and breathing mask and leaves, when he does Aiden walks to her and waves a hand over her," I'm putting a protection spell over her until she wakes up" he says staring at her, "I think it's time we invited her friends over here and get some answers" Shawn says and we both nod.

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