Chapter 45- The Final Days Together

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Annaley's POV

As I woke the next day I realized Aiden's hand wasn't holding onto mines anymore and when I glanced up I realized he wasn't there. I lean up and see everyone was still asleep, I slowly moved after I glanced at Louis and smiled. I walked along the shore till I finally saw Aiden gazing into the sea as the sun was rising. "Hey Aiden" I say smiling at him and he turns and looks at me with sadness as if he's been crying. I wipe his eyes and look at him," hey what's wrong?" I say and he looks at me, "I'm so sorry Anna...I had no choice I couldn't let you die" he looks at me. "Aiden...what's going on? what happened?" I say looking at him and he puts his hands on my arms, "Anna we only was able to save you by sacraficing your unborn baby" I look at him confused. "haha what are you talking about I'm not pregnant Aiden" and he looks down," you was...and it was shawn's child. I couldn't let you go I couldn't." I was pregnant? I hold my stomach and tears fall down my eyes and I fall to my knees," Anna I promise I will help you get through this I promise I will" he says as he holds me. I just didn't know what to say or to think honestly. I'm sure it was for the best but I wish there would've been another way because not being able to see the baby I was carrying hurts more than I expected.

When everyone was awake we all had a big meal and talked and even the class had questions about magic and everything but Aiden says magic is everywhere it's like air you feel it but can't see it. "I'm so glad to be apart of this class generation it's so sad it's close to ending" one girl says and we all agreed. "will we still be able to party once a week though?" a guy says asking us and Nathan answers," we won't be able to for a while because once we graduate we won't be able to return for a while" most of them said awe and was sad. "Wait What?" Lucas says and Aiden adds," you can't be serious? how long?" We all fell silent as they waited for one of us to answer then Jess finally says," it..maybe forever or until the next generation is able to take over" Aiden stands up and gets in her face," YOU KNEW THIS ALL THIS TIME AND DIDN'T TELL US? NOT ONE OF US AND NOW ANNA HAS TO LEAVE BEHIND NOT ONLY HER FRIENDS AND LOVE BUT FAMILY AS WELL?" I put my hand on Aiden and he turns around and I hold him. "honestly I wish there was a way for her to keep the throne and still be able to stay with her family and loved ones." I look at everyone who's sad now," well all the more reason to make our last moments here count shall we?" I say and they agree and I continue," besides we have to move over and prepare for the next generation" I say looking at Lynne, Lakeesiah, and Jenni and they smile. "speaking of which, isn't it time for you girls to head back home?" Melanie says and they groaned as we laughed. They say goodbye as they go to the sea and turn into a mermaid and swim off. "I want to remember this moment forever" A guy says and we all agreed and end up deciding to take a group photo before leaving for home preparing for school and our final test coming up.

Aiden's POV

Days turned to weeks and weeks to months soon the time was coming closer and closer to say goodbye. I was kinda distancing myself bumming myself out and wanting to be alone because I didn't want to say goodbye. "I know it's gonna hurt but lets throw a big graduation/wedding bash for them and we can even perform while they are getting married" Lucas says and chris adds," that's not a bad idea actually." I guess not it would be pretty cool.," I do want to do one last song with all of us just us. You guys and me and her" I say. Lucas smiles," I have an idea " he tells us and it didn't sound too bad actually it envolved us all but only me and chris was singing but hearing Anna play the Violin would be so beautiful. We all agreed and set up the lights in the back and made them look like fairy lights. Lucas brought his Cello he told us he learned to play when he was young and I brought the piano for me and Chris brought the chair for him to sit on. Anna came out with her violin and I began to play the melody as Lucas and Anna joins in.


Tale as old as time

True as it can be

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