Chapter 17- The Crew Joins In!!

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Mr. Grobans POV

As the bell rang I walked into the classroom and saw the students I asked to have in my class here. I knew they was Anna's closes friends. "ok class as you can see we have some new students today so please make them feel welcome and as for the new students please come to the front and introduce yourselves." I didn't know what I was in for when I said this as they came to the front of the class and stood in a line.

*they started making a beat and began*

Melanie: *steps up front*

My name is Melanie you can call me Mel

I hope our time together will be very well

are you hungry? I can cook a dish

just tell me what you want I'll grant your wish

Megan: *steps up front as Melanie steps back*

My name is Megan hope we can be friends

I will be there for you until the end

if you got a problem I'll see you through it

don't worry darling I'll help you through it

Jasmine: *megan steps back as she steps in*

My name is Jasmine you can call me Jazzy

just like my friends we gotta keep it classy

we like to party and grove to the beat

we sing and dance from our head to our feet

Teresa: *steps in as Jazzy steps out*

My name is Teresa and I'm a lover

I love to design some better than others

we love to be unique and we love to shine

I know you love me and we all know why *she winks as everyone claps*

Jess:*teresa steps out as steps in front*

My name is Jesikah but you can call me Jess

I do my best, no time for less

Till graduation and I am through

I'll be here for my friends but next up is my boo

Nathan: *jess steps out as he steps up front*

The name is Nathan as you can see

don't mess with my friends or we got some beef

I'm a protector to the very end

now you know our story we're Anna's friend

The beat stops as they walk back to their seat as the class claps, this is definitely going to be a good class. As it ends and the private class starts I gave them homework to to work in groups of four and sing the song you chose by the end of the week.

Anna's POV

We didn't know what we was going to choose for groups and songs but we decided to wait till tomorrow to decide and just relax today. On my way to the bus I remembered I forgot to grab something in the music classroom, I quickly tell them I'll be right back and run off. I look around the room and found it, My journal with my moms picture in it. As I start to walk out the door I hear someone singing and it was mesmorizing and unique. I noticed it was coming from the private room and I took a peek and saw a guy there with his eyes closed singing with such emotion. I quickly drew myself away and i walks out and went outside to find that the bus and my friends left me behind "oh great thanks alot guys" I said quietly. I can't believe they really left me like this.

I decided to just not get mad because it will do me no good at this point and started to walk home, When I got there I went to my room and sat on the desk on thought about the guy who was singing in that room, I've never seen him in that class before so I wonder if he's new. I lost thought when Teresa and Meghan came in my room saying hello and I turned around and grabbed a pillow and started hitting them with it "THANKS ALOT JERKS FOR LEAVING ME" they laughed and apologized and asked for help with homework in english which was my best subject. Teresa needed poetry done while Meghan needed a full page essay done. Doing both took me no more then an hour tops.When they left I climbed up on the roof and looked at the moon and stars and smiled and said softly " I hope I'm making you proud mom". after a while I climbed down and laid down in bed.

It was finally a new day as I open my eyes and get ready for school when an idea came to me that if we had to wear the uniforms for the rest of the year then maybe we could dye our hairs different colors, I kinda got the idea from seeing a few different color dyes from the store on the way home a few days ago. When I get on the bus Nathan was against it but the rest of the girls was ok with it. So with that we will be dying our hairs after school today we just need to decide which colors. Today is going to be a great day I can feel it.....little did I know I was far from wrong.

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