Chapter 8- Beach Party

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Melanie's POV

Days turned to weeks and weeks to months, I can't believe it's been three months since we first came here. It's crazy it doesn't feel that long ago though, we've all actually grown to really like school and the clubs we was in and made lots of friends. Annaley still has problems with John Cozart but other then that she loves school. Today she finally get off from being grounded so she would be able to join the weekly party Nathan throws, we're all looking forward to that especially since it's gonna be at the beach today.

Since we've all become practically close with Zayn and Louis they join us when they can and today they will as well. I'm making a huge buffet table with everyones favorite snacks and meals. I was heading to my class we all agreed to meet after school for theatre club the leader said he had something he wanted to tell us. I wonder what it is?

Teresa's POV

After that whole thing when Anna kinda ranaway, there has been kinda tension in the house. Reannon is getting so frustrated it's because Anna's been getting As in everything except Music which she got a C. We don't understand it we thought she loved music. Anyways I have became best friends with Rodney and Anthony they are the craziest realist friends anybody could find, however I did something I shouldn't have I was falling in love with a boy in my class his name is Ricky.

I try to keep my distance but my heart still gets butterflies in my stomach when I see him or near him, Rodney says I should just make a move already but I constantly told him I can't I have to worry about my grades. He rolls his eyes everytime I say that, but truth is I wasn't allowed to fall for him he's human and we would be leaving in 2 years. I'll have to keep my distance from him as much as I can.

Nathan's POV

School is finally done and we all went to theatre club and after we all finished our projects the leader called a meeting saying he wanted to do a musical called Anastasia and he wants us all to try out for a least one part which I'm down for I'm gonna suck so bad I'll be working the lights and not worry about lines haha. After we all left I told everyone to meet up at the beach at sunset for the party and for Melanie to show up early for set up for her food. We all went straight home to do our homework so we could party all we wanted tonight without Tre's lame ass bugging us.

It was sunset and we was all partying and we even sneaked alittle vodka to spice up the party. I had a few girls who kinda stayed by my side who kinda wanted to both be my side girls and one started going low so I quickly put the songs and shuffle and took both girls to the beachhouse and locked the door and quickly got down into business.

Jess's POV

This party is so much fun, I invited my dance team so we could freestyle and come up with new moves. Teresa, Ricky, Anthony, and Rodney was all hanging out till Ricky asked her to dance. I think it's so cute I just hope she will be careful oh and Anthony and Rodney turns out are a couple it's so adorable we all love them. Melody couldn't be here since it's pretty near her bedtime and Ariel thought its best to wait till she's old enough and have memories of her own with Jenni (Melanie's younger sister) since they are both the same age.

 I have a feeling that when it's time to leave it's gonna be hard for everyone especially the ones we are close to because once we're gone we won't have much time to hangout except that one day of the week we throw parties since they promised we could keep it. That's the least they can do since we are giving up our lives and all girls will be getting arranged marriage which hope that changes because I don't want to marry a stranger. Once me and the team's song came on we got excited and started dancing as one while laughing.

Annaley's POV

Everyones with their clique while Louis, Zayn, and I was sitting on the sand goofing off and I mean annoy eachother and Louis quickly says," I know lets play double dare....unless you guys are chicken" We both agreed and we kept the game going for a while. Louis's funniest dare was when he had to grab a dance teams breast and fondle it and he ended getting slapped hard and ran back laughing. Zayn's was to try out for the lead in the musical haha which he quickly got me back and dared me to not only try out for the lead but to sing my very first song in music class.

"Wait she hasn't been singing? how come?" Louis says and I just shrug and Zayn says," Don't know but her voice is amazing" so Louis told Zayn to record it and that I couldn't chicken out. The party ended and everyone went home while I stayed behind to clean I always did this for quiet time to regain my thoughts. "Anna?" I look up and see Zayn and Louis, "What's up you guys?" I say as I go back to cleaning. " We need to talk to you" Zayn said quietly. I nod and finished cleaning and we all sat down, I honestly don't know what's going to happen.

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