Chapter 31- The Five Stages For Anna

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Aiden's POV

After the party me, Anna, Shawn, Chris, Lucas, and Mr.Groban went home, well Lucas followed us and now we're in the living room sitting while Anna is pacing back and forth with one hand on her head," A mean to tell me all this time..I had a brother? I don't believe you" Anna said and Mr. Groban looks at her and says," But's true he's you..." Anna quickly interrupts him," NO...HE'S NOT MY BROTHER...MY MOTHER WOULD HAD TOLD I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOU SAY" Shawn yells," ANNA" basically not only telling her to calm down but watch her language. "No...I don't care he's not my damn brother I don't care what the hell you guys say" She says and I look at her pissed and get up and grab her arms and pull her to her room and slam the door shut and toss her on the bed and say in my most calm and relaxing voice but my face still remained pissed," Listen because I'm only going to say this one time Anna...I don't care what you think, you obviously felt a damn connection when you was on stage with him and don't fucking deny it because I swear my hand will come across your face so fast before you even finish...second you was asked to stop cussing and when they tell you to stop you STOP got it?" She remains silent and nods looking down as I continue," If I have to pull you to your senses again I promise it won't be pretty you got that?" She nods again remaining silent which was pissing me off ,"I don't hear you?" I say and she says voice cracking," yes" I look at her and say," now go in there and apologize to everyone INCLUDING your brother..and if you say he isn't...again I won't hesistate the hand"

She gets up and walks out the room while I follow her and sit back down next to chris as she stands and apologizes to everyone especially Lucas, she also explains she just don't understand why her mom would keep something so big from her. "It wasn't her choice..King Triton locked her away when she was pregnant with him and after she had him she wrote me that he sent the son away and banished her" Mr. Groban says and Anna's face immediately turned to anger hearing that Triton did that. I looked at Shawn and he thought what I did," Why don't we all get some rest and finish this tomorrow" Anna says fine before hugging Shawn and saying goodnight to everyone. After she closes the door to her room I had a bad feeling, something was just too off for her to want to go to bed that fast. Suddenly it hit me," Dammit don't tell me.."I get up and knock on her door and no response I open the door to see her window open,"dammit she did" I turn around to see Shawn and Lucas behind me and Shawn says,"Let me guess Triton?" I nod and we run out the door to the beach I know I can breath underwater and a pretty fast swimmer but I use magic to turn Shawn into a merman and as we go underwater swimming with Lucas following in his merform. We finally reached Atlantica and when we go through the door we hear Anna say,"YOU DESTROYED MY FAMILY!!!" she uses her her lightening powers and strikes him with several bolts "I'M GOING TO MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL" she says swimming fast towards Triton and punches him using her wind to give an extra punch. He starts getting mad and they both go into full battle mode.

Annaley's POV

Finally the moment I've been waiting for...I'm going for blood with him and if he holds back he will regret it. Me and Triton finally go head and head on battle sending bolts of lightening, wind storms, we was destroying everything and finally I used a little more of my magic giving my all to zap him and he falls to the ground and I swim towards him and start punching non stop," YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID" Shawn and Lucas tries to hold me back and I use my wind powers to push them away just enough to get them off me and a good distance while I keep hitting him till I get punched really hard and Shawn catches me before I hit the wall and Aiden is looking at me pissed," I will deal with you later.." He looks at Triton and Lucas swims to him too and Trition says softly," I'm sorry...I know you will probably never forgive me for what I've done" I was about to get up but Aiden puts a hold on me so I can't move. "You worry about healing as for Anna we will look after her and on graduation then decided what to do"Aiden says to Triton and he helps lean him up and Lucas heals his broken bones and scars but the pain was still there. "You've grown into a fine young man" he says to Lucas then the nurses come to carry Triton to his room. I was tied up being dragged back up to land and Shawn was turned back human and Lucas did too as well as I and we went back to the house and Aiden and Shawn takes me to my room locking the door behind them. Aiden grabs my wrist and takes away my powers and puts it in a crystal ball and lock it up," You will get this back when you deserve it" Aiden says. Then he tells Shawn he may want to leave for this and Shawn looks at me then walks out the room.

Aiden walks up to me and grabs both of my wrist," I warned you not to do it again now you will suffer" He looks at me in the eyes and it was like he was boiling the inside of my body I was in pain I started to scream and he puts a hold on my body and duck tapes my mouth. After 3 minutes of screaming in pain he makes it stop and it goes away and I fall on the bed exhausted and in tears. Shawn walks back in and shuts the door and takes the tape off my mouth and holds me as my body starts to shake. Aiden must have saw it and sat on the other side of me and holds me too," I'm sorry Anna but I had to make you learn" I nod letting him know I forgive him. I cried till I couldn't anymore and was put to sleep by Aiden. I woke up the next day just questioning my own existance and was too depressed to even leave the bed I didn't know whether to give up or to keep holding on. Life was totally different just a year ago and I don't even know where I stand anymore. Tears streaming down my eyes as I wonder why did Triton do that to my family, the years I felt so alone and thought I was so alone when all this time I had family alive and on land. I looked out the window while laying in bed. Mom what do I do? What have I become and should I even take the throne anymore? Am I even good even to be a princess? "Stop it" I hear and I look to the left and see Shawn and Aiden. Shawn holds me and Aiden looks at me," stop doubting yourself you're stronger then this Anna...we are connected for a reason and carry a special bond..we are family and you've even gained a father and brother I say you have gained all that you felt you lost all these years" He says and I look at him. He's right my family has grown so much bigger," You have more love in your life and the love of your life right here and we are behind you all the way Anna" Shawn says and Lucas walks in," Sorry I kinda overheard...but I agree with them you I was alone but happy I gained a family I can't wait to get to know you more better". I look at Shawn, Aiden, and Lucas and smile and say," yea you guys are right I have a huge family now don't I...and couldn't have asked for more" I group hug everyone and Aiden says," ok enough mushy tough now it's time for some fun" he grabs the pillow and starts hitting everyone and next thing we know we have a huge pillow fight and when dad came to tell us breakfast was ready he even joined in with chris as well, we started to paired Chris and Aiden, Me and Shawn, and Lucas and Dad. I was having so much and such a wonderful time but then I started to feel dizzy and my vision was getting blurry and as my body drops to the ground I ended up hitting something. I hear them calling for me but it quickly became faint and as everything went dark I see a light and coming from was.."..Mom?".

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