Chapter 5- Making Friends and Finding Clubs

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Melanie's POV

I walked to my locker and put some of the stuff in there and walked to my first class which happens to be Culinary Arts and Rachel Ray was our teacher can we say YESSSS, sorry I got so excited. I walk into the class and it was full of girls and boys and there was an empty seat at this one group of table. "Is it ok if I sit here?" I asked. "Haha of course you can by the way My name is Tiana what is your name?" The girl says and I respond as I sit down," My name is Melanie it's nice to meet you."

all of us got to know eachother and we all loved and enjoyed cooking of course, we each made our signature snack that we spiced up on our own and theirs was amazing too. "Melanie you should join the Culinary Club we would love to have someone like you in the group" I nod agreeing well since I had to join at least two clubs I will join what I like to do. I wonder how the other's are doing?

Teresa's POV

After we seperated I headed to my locker to decorate it alittle then headed to my designer class and Mr. Melvin is the teacher he's not bad looking and he know's his designs. I walk in and claim my seat which is the one next to the window. When class began we was told to design a few outfits on paper. In the end a kid named Ricky, Anthony, Rodney who is my new best friend in class and me ended up with the best designs. So the teacher thought it would be fun to hold a contest to see who can bring their creation more into life, we was all up for the challenge. Rodney asked me if I could join Desgining Club and I agreed that took care of my after school least one of them.

Annaley's POV

My first class was music and I was kinda sad, of course I love to sing but as a mermaid I love to sing freely rather than being forced to sing. I know this stupid teacher or retarded humans will ever change that. As I walked towards the class since I didn't have enough time to go to my locker, I walked past a picture and saw my mom and dad in it and they was holding a trophy smiling in the uniforms. Tears began to fall from my eyes but I quickly wipe them as I finish making my way to class. I sat in the back and just stayed quiet. The teacher walks in and introduced himself he said his name was Josh Groban and we can choose to call him Josh or Mr. Groban.

One by one he began calling us up to sing in front of the class. Till it became my turn and he looked at me and asked me to come up. I shook my head not saying anything " how come you don't want to sing?" He asked and a boy responds," She probably sounds like a dying cow when she sings and wants to spare us" the class laugh as Mr. Groban looks at him," Jon Cozart see me after class". So that's his name I'll remember that name. Mr. Groban looks at me one last time and saw I wasn't going to sing then continued on with the others. He ended class early so I went to the roof of the school since it was a beautiful day and looked at the sky remembering my parents and began singing.

Fly me up
to where you are
beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
to see your smile
if only for a while to know your there
a breath away's not far
to where you are.....

"So you can sing" a voice interrupts me and I turn around fast and see a boy from my music class smiling at me. "Don't be alarmed I won't hurt you or tell anybody you can sing" he says and I look at him not saying anything and he walks closer to me and has a hand out ," I'm Zayn what's your name?" I slowly take his hand and shake it "Annaley" he smiles when I speak ," Pretty name Anna I have a feeling we're gonna be best friends but right now we better get to our next class now or we will be late" he grabs my hands and runs to our next class

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