Chapter 13- Exposed

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Annaley's POV

After everyone left I put some music on my mp4, put some wireless headphones on and cleaned the house while dancing. I ended up cleaning faster than I thought and ended up dancing with a broom till I heard the doorbell. I take my headphones off and set the broom aside and walked over to the door to see  Mr. Groban...What on earth is he doing here? I unlocked and opened the door and saw him. "Um....What are you doing here?" I say and he smiles," can I come in? don't worry you're not in trouble" I let him in and lead him to the living room and sit down. "Wow it's quiet you live alone?" he asked and I shake my head," No I live with my friends and maid but they went home for the holidays" He looks at me shocked," what about you? I mean I know you said your mom passed and I'm sorry but don't you have a father or any relatives?" I look down and said quietly," Honestly I don't know my father he left when my mom was pregnant with me and as far as I know I have no relatives."

"Why don't you spend the holidays at my place Anna, I live alone and don't have anywhere to go this holidays and I'd really like to know more about can consider me and uncle if you'd like" he says. I smile and I think for a minute before saying ok and going to pack a few things. When I come down I see him looking at a picture and I walk over to him and it's a picture of my mom in human form," Oh that's my mom Beatrice but everyone mostly called her Hunny Bee" I said looking at her picture trying to hold back tears. "Ok I'm ready to go" I say and he turns to me and we leave out the door. We get into his car and he drives off to his house and it ends up being not too far from the school. He gets out then lets me out and leads me inside his place and it's huge and had a baby grand piano in the living room this place has to be at least 3-5 bedrooms. "I thought you said you lived alone?" I asked and he looks at me," haha I do" then I look at him," then why so many rooms?" I had to ask. " The master bedroom is mines, One is a studio room I write lyrics and the other three is for guest" wow this is amazing. he shows me to my room and tells me to unpack while he fixed dinner.

Mr. Groban's POV

As Anna unpacks I walk downstairs and fix a homemade lasagne, breadsticks, and salad. I set the table and Anna met me down as I pulled the chair open for her and she sat down. After we say grace I glance every moment to see her eating elegant like royalty, I smile at that thought. I told her we could do anything she felt up to, but what suprised me was she wanted to hear me play the piano more. So after dinner she helped clean and she sat in a chair while I started to play and sing she slowly got up and danced around the room with her eyes closed letting the music lead her on her next move and it was amazing. When I finished she finished on a strong dancing position and I got up and clapped," please tell me if I play this in class you would dance while I played?" I asked and she said," sure...but is it ok I go swimming?" I nodded," just be back in 3 hours for bedtime ok" she says ok while she runs out the door.

As she leaves I walked up to my room and closed the door behind me and went into my closet and pulled out a box of old memories, I sat it on the bed and sat next to it as I took the top off and moved a few pictures and the secret layer and took three pictures of my first love and looked at it. I missed her so much and I can't believe it's been so long since she left me for once I wish we could turn back time just so I could still be with her. Tears flow down my eyes as I look at her photo and say quietly," She looks just like you doesn't she...Lady Tris" I alwasy called her Tris it was my personal nickname for her while everyone called her Hunny Bee. "is she why you told me we couldn't be together?...was you scared?.." I set her  photo down and brokedown and cried. when I calmed down I put her photo up before Anna saw. She comes in and she tells me how she met a friend who's going to be going to the school soon.

"That's great Anna what's her name and how did you guys meet?" I asked and she smiled and said," Her name is Adrienne and we met swimming...well I'm going to bed I'm tired" I hug her goodnight and she went off to bed.

Annaley's POV

Truth is she not only she met me swimming but she also saw my mermaid form when swimming and now I don't know what I'm going to do.

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