Chapter 37- Holiday Ideas

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Annaley's POV

It was so nice to finally see Zayn and Louis again especially since we only have a few months left here on land. I looked around and saw Aiden was gone. "Hey where did Aiden go?" I asked everyone but nobody knew."He probably went home" Lucas said. Why would he leave? After everyone starts getting lost in their own conversation again and catching up, I slowly walk away and once I was in the clear I look an hold my necklace," Momma please guide me to my brother Aiden" Then a light shines from the necklace only I can see and I follow the light. It takes me past the streets and into the deep woods. All of a sudden the light stops glowing and showing my way to him and I'm in a pitch black dark woods. " no no no don't do this to me" I start to panic. ok Anna breathe it's gonna be ok. I look up and saw the moon and it was so beautiful and started to sing to myself softly to get rid of the quiet and calm myself down.

Short steps, deep breath, everything is alright

Chin up, I can't step into the spotlight

She said, "I'm sad" – somehow without any words

I just stood there, searching for an answer

When this world is no more

The moon is all we'll see

I'll ask you to fly away with me

Until the stars all fall down

They empty from the sky

But I don't mind

If you're with me, then everything's alright

Why do my words always lose their meaning?

What I feel, what I say

There's such a rift between them

He said, "I can't really seem to read you"

I just stood there, never know what I should do

When this world is no more

The moon is all we'll see

I'll ask you to fly away with me

Until the stars all fall down

They empty from the sky

But I don't mind

If you're with me, then everything's alright

If you're with me, then everything's alright

I exhale and look at the moon wishing not only I knew where he was but where I was, I felt so alone. "I knew you would sing again eventually from the heart again" I hear from behind me and I turn around slowly and see Aiden. "" I say choking up just so happy to see him. " I was kinda at the campsite when I heard singing and I followed the voice and it lead me here..which may I ask why are you here?" he asked and I look at him," looking for you..I was worried sick about you" he apologies and takes my hand. We walk for a while till I see a campfire and we sit beside it," so this is a campfire?..." I say more so to myself and he looks at me shocked," wait you never been camping or seen a campfire before?" and I shake my head," we definetly need to change that we are coming back soon. He puts the fire out," but right now we need to get back before everyone worries" I nod and follow him. Instead of going back to the party we both head home and just sat back watching ghost movies till we fell asleep.

Aiden's POV

I couldn't believe she hasn't been camping or seen a campfire. She's been here a year, what was she doing the entire time counting the dust on the shelves in the library at school? We definetly need to go camping soon. Perhaps just us at first then maybe her friends can join in later on. I'll have to see if Lucas would want to as well. I look down and see Anna's head on my lap sleeping peacefully. honestly it would be a good way to celebrate the holidays early. I start thinking and planning and even texted dad and Lucas to see if it was ok and it was thankfully. We needed a change of pace and I know Anna is still hurting and I don't blame her. She mumbles and wakes up and stares at me as I smile," nice to see you up sleepyhead" I say and chuckle as she giggles and rolls her eyes as she lifts up from my lap.

I look at Anna," so remember when I said we'd be going camping soon?" I say and she looks at me and nods," well I thought of an idea to actually spend the holidays camping would be a nice change of pace don't you think?" I look at her and she smiles," that's a fabulous idea. So I told her at the end of the week we're all going camping and her friends will be joining us towards the end of it. "wow you planned all of this?" she says and I chuckle and say duh. I couldn't wait to show her the great outdoors. I want to show her as much as I can before they keep her in that castle of hers because of her title. "Aiden..." she says softly and I look at her," lets...make the best memories before I have to return..please" and I hug her tight "of course Anna..we're gonna have a blast...who knows maybe you would want to stay as well haha" I say the last part joking but her face saddens basically saying that if she could she definetly would.

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