Chapter 39- Reliving The First Few Days

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[A/N: Sorry for the short chapter I ran out of time it will be longer on the next one]

Annaley's POV

We all sat by the campfire and all of a sudden Lucas asked,"what is your dream?" and dad said," well my kids happiness of course." We all giggle and he said ,"what?" and I said," Dad that's so cliche haha come on seriously what is your dream?" and he looks at me," My kids see when a parents has kids, the kids become their parents dream. For them to go above and beyond their parents ever could and to be happy not only with the person they've become but with their live as well" he says and we all just stare at him shocked. "I guess that answers your question" he says and chuckles while we all nods. "well my dream was to find my family...and I found them...all of them" Lucas said and we smile at him,"he gets his cliche from dad" and we all laugh. "I don't know exactly what I want to do or be yet but I do know I want to be happy and I want to have you guys in my life" Aiden says and I hug him. "well Anna what about you?" Dad says and everyone looks at me. "I want to grow and fall in love and marry the man I fell in love with and have a family to show my family...a happy ending" I say the last part softly and look at the ground knowing it won't happen. I fully resent arrange marriage. "Anna...there's gotta be a way around it?" Aiden says and I shake my head,"it's ok lets just have fun while we can ok, we're only young once after all" We made smore's and went on a nature hike. When we got back the other's was there and waving at us," heyyy time to party" Nathan said, and party is exactly what we did. We danced till we couldn't dance anymore and sang a few songs we knew roasted some hotdogs on the fire it was truly amazing.

"can you guys believe this is our last year?" Teresa says and we all star at the fire smiling yea it is our last year but we definetly had some memories. "haha remember how we all was when we first got here? nobody wanted to be here and the uniforms sucked" Jess said and we all laugh and thanked Teresa for changing that rule. "I remember when Anna kept refusing to sing until her friend caught her on the roof" Dad said and I giggled. "Anna is very stubborn like her friends but they all have big hearts" Aiden says and we all look at him. "wow did he just compliment us?" Jess says and Aiden rolls his eyes. "yea don't get use to it" he says and Jess rolls her eyes and we laugh. "so what are you guys doing after graduation?" I asked and Lucas said college Aiden says he's unsure right now and as for the others they said run and hide or runaway which we all laughed. "you know...I kinda don't want to leave now that I got so used to being here" Nathan says and we nod agreeing. It's bad we have to leave everyone behind but to force marriage on us as well just seems so wrong. I stare at the fire just thinking trying to plot an idea to get out of this. Wait a minute Triton married someone he loved...I look up at Jess," Jess Triton married Athena right?" and Jess looks at me confused," well yea everyone knows..." she says and I look at her," Athena was someone he loved...don't you guys get it there IS a loop hole we just have to find it" I say and Nathan add," or force it which either way is ok with me" and Aiden of course agrees with him and I roll my eyes. I look at the sky and start to sing Sleepsong and Aiden joins me while the others listen and dad pulls out a recorder and plays along. We will find a way and we'll use each day to find one until time runs out.

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