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This is the story of the life of the royal mermaid and merman. Each mermaid and merman must go to the land world for two years when they turn 16 years old. They must know their surroundings and get to know the place. This once use to not be a rule but ever since Arial (king tritons daughter) Married a prince on land, they wanted us to expand our knowlegde before taking over the throne in the sea. Since Arial resigned her throne in the sea to become one on land her twin Jesikah is now heir to the throne. She's the North Pacific Princess she loves adventure and one of my best friends I grew up with and she loves to dance more than anything.

Next we have the Arctic Princess her name is Teresa she is the most fashionable mermaid alive and she helps us look our best and slams us all when we don't. So you can say she's practically a fashion police. Then there's Megan The Princess of South Pacific even though she's our age she's the most mature one and keeps us all leveled and remember our places when we get too wild. There's also The Indian Princess Melanie who has a younger sister named Jenni who really looks up to her. She is an amazing chef and makes the most amazing food. The Southern Princess name is Jasmine she's the fastest runner she can outrun all of us except one and he's the prince of South Atlantic. Now The South Alantic Prince's name is Nathan he's the one who always gets the girls and throws the most amazing parties every week at our hangout spot.

Though I guess it can get overwhelming for his bulter Tre but hey that's what he's there for. Then there's me Annaley the Princess of North Atlantic love creating movies and singing. Now all princesses are gifted with special singing voices for fun or to hypnotise and Nathan was gifted with rapping he can hypnotise anybody with it. Our whole world is about to change because we have to go dry land, will we survive or will we all lose our minds in the end?

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