Chapter 33- Shawn's Choice

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Aiden's POV

As the alarm clock wakes me up, I throw it across the room and go back to sleep pretending not to hear it at all. Suddenly I hear a knock on my door," Wake up Aiden time to get ready for school son" I groan and he chuckles and walks away probably to wake everyone else up. I slowly get up and take a shower and put on my clothes and meet everyone downstairs in the dining room for breakfast and I sit next to Chris as I eat looking at Shawn giving him the death glare." everything ok?" Anna asked and I nod and stopped looking at him and went back to eating. When we all got done we all drove our own vehicles to school (me, Chris, Anna, and Lucas racing avoiding traffic and cops) I got there first with Anna not too far behind and Chris and Lucas tied last.

We all walk to class and I sit in the back thinking what Shawn is gonna do and when is he going to make his choice, however I didn't have to wait too long because heading to music I see Shawn pulling Anna aside near the room and I look at both of them and walk towards them not making a scene or getting noticed. Shawn looks at Anna while she looks so confused at him. "Anna...we need to talk."

Annaley's POV

Shawn pulls me aside as I was about to walk in the music room and I look at him wondering what he was doing. "Anna...we need to talk" he says and for some reason I began to worry and feel a knot in my throat. "Anna...I'm so sorry.." he says softly and I look at him confused," Sorry for what? I don't understand" I say looking in his eyes. He looks at me with such sadness," you Anna.." he says and I smile when he says that and he continues," but...I really love someone else and I feel I'm meant to be with her and not you." I froze hoping, praying, and pleading this was all just a dream and I would wake up soon. "I'm sorry I love you but I was never in love with you...I hope we can still be friends" he says. "Who is she?" was all i asked with a cracked voice holding back my tears. "...Adrienne...we've been seeing eachother actually for a month now"he says. I don't know what came over me but I lifted my hand and slapped him so hard it echoed through the halls. He looks at me as I look at him with tears in my eyes. This was no dream, it was a nightmare.

He tries to touch me and I back away and just then he gets punched in the face and I stare at him watching the blood fall from his nose and lips. I looked to see who punched him and it was Aiden and he looked pissed, was this why he was upset earlier? Aiden looks at me with saddness basically saying he was sorry for what happened and holds me. The bell rings and I was hoping to let it all go but when I see Adrienne something in me snapped and I walked up to her and slapped her "you're gonna pay" I said and she immediately grabs my hair and pulls me to the floor. Aiden jumps out of his and punches her and helps me up then Shawn slaps me "What the hell is wrong with.." but before he could finish Aiden punches him again," don't you ever touch her." Adrienne catches me off gaurd and punches my face knocking me down and I quickly get up and punch her really hard in the face knocking her down and got on top of her and continued to punch her (Aiden did the same to Shawn). Lucas and Chris run towards us trying to pull me and Aiden off but we wasn't having that. Suddenly we heard MY OFFICE...NOW" we look towards the door seeing not only dad standing by the door but the principal.

We all got up and followed Principal Drea (pefers to be called Drea since it's Watermelondrea) She can be a bit strict. We stand as she sits at her desk looking at all of us and by us I mean Me, Aiden, Shawn, Adrienne, Chris, and Lucas. "So will someone explained what happened?" Principal Drea asked and we all fell silent playing dumb, she gave us the evil glare," alright..either somebody start talking or I will suspend every last one of you and make you all repeat a year" she...she can't be serious can she? "We got in a fight Lucas and Chris was jus trying to pull us apart" I say and the Principal looks at me" well I can see you got in a fight..anybody blind can see that Annaley.." She said in a sarcastic voice and I was holding anger back to not jump over the desk and knock her out. "As for Lucas and Chris you both have been cleared and may return to classroom" she says and they give me and Aiden a sympathetic look before walking out.

"Now who started the fight?" She asked and again we fell silent and she us the evil glare. "Alright start talking now because I'm not gonna be playing this game too long...either talk or I will make sure all of you are expelled and will never return to a school in this district" Me and Aiden didn't care while Adrienne on the other hand freaked and said," It was them they started it and Shawn was just defending ourselves." I give her the evil glare and Aiden mumbles under his breath,"pussy" and I chuckle. Too bad the Principal didn't think it was funny" Alright Shawn and Adrienne this is a both may return to class" Shawn looks at us and we didn't look at him and as Adrienne walks out Aiden says," I better not see you after this" She looks at him in fear and walks out. "You both are suspended for two weeks...get your teachers assignments and leave the premises immediately" We shrug and walk out and grab out assignments and go home "What now?" I say and look at Aiden"Wanna dye our hair then play Call Of Duty." I smile at his suggestion," absolutely" I chose to dye my hair purple and he dyed his blue. After that we enjoyed playing a good game of call of duty and we kept beating eachother with was funny. All was ok until my cell rang and I picked it up," Anna...please tell me why your school called me about you getting suspended?" Reannon asked. Crap I completely forgot it's against mermaid code to get suspended. This is bad...really bad.

really bad

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