Chapter 26- It's Gonna Be Ok

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Shawn's POV

After Anna collasped her friends and King Triton decided it was best to leave and not cause more damaged, I thought that was best because Aiden looked like he was ready to just take him out at any moment. I decided to go check on Anna and she was still sleeping but with tears falling down...she must be dreaming of her mother. I kiss her forehead and tucked her in and walk out the room. I walk to the living room and sit down and just get lost in my thoughts, I wish this didn't happen the way it did. Aiden must have been thinking the same because he was just staring out the window. The day was going by quickly and as the was setting Anna woke up and came out of the room. I got up and took her by the hand and led her to the cough and looked at her in her eyes," I want you to try your best and listen to everything we say ok...we're going to tell you everything" I say and she nods. " you remember the conversation earlier?" Aiden asked while sitting on the other side of her and she nods. We smile and then Mr. Groban walks in and that's when we explain everything to her, how Mr. Groban was her father and her mom died of a brokenheart and that she is not only more powerful then she thinks but not just a mermaid but only part.

"You never have to go back to that can stay here if you want" I said and Mr Groban asked," would you like that Anna?" and she looks at him and nods. I look at here and noticed something...she hasn't said one word since she came back from the strict school Triton sent her to. I looked at Aiden and he's looking at Anna between worried and confused. "Anna...are you ok?" I asked softly and she looks at me and nods. "If you're ok then speak" Aiden says and Anna looks at the ground. I lift up her head and look her in the eyes "Please..speak..say anything" I said to her. She grabs a pencil and paper and writes down she's sorry but can't. She gets up and walks to her room sad and closes the door. " What's happened to her?" I asked outloud but was more direct to myself. "She locked up her damn words that's what happened" Aiden says while sighing. I look at him and he continues," don't worry she just needs to find her words again." and I nod," hopefully soon though" I say and Aiden nods "I think I have an idea though...what's the one thing she loves to do most?" I look at him and say," singing" and Aiden smiles and nods.

Nathan's POV

After we left from the house Jess started yelling at her dad which I honestly don't blame her I really don't but she really doesn't have room to talk either but that's just my business. My mind gets lost on the image I saw of Anna short hair and lifeless. I swear one day I will make it up to her for all of this becuase this has no reason at all and shouldn't have gotten this bad. As we approach the girls place had enough of the yelling and shouted at them," SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY....NOW LOOK WHAT HAPPEN WE ARE ALL TO BLAME AND WHAT'S DONE IS DONE NOW WHAT DO WE DO FROM HERE IS IMPORTANT" We all walke into the house and they are just speechless from what I said but I was dead serious at this point.

We all sit in the living room just sat there for a minute," I've...made my mistakes and do want to make it up to her..if she forgives me, however if you all want to still talk to her and hangout with her that's ok with me" King Trition says looking down while getting up and then with that he leaves. "We can start by visiting and warming up to her like the old days before we came here" Melanie said. "We can try to hangout or see her but you guys forgot one small thing...her new friends...will they even let us see her?" Teresa says. At that moment we knew we had a long road ahead of us not only with Anna but her new friends as well.

Aiden's POV

After picking a song which I felt was perfect for the situation and all, I walked to Anna's room and saw she was having a nightmare because her body was shaking and bad. I rushed to her and held her hands and focused, as I got rid of them one by one then I looked at her and grabbed her hand," let's get out of her ok?" I say and she nods, and with that I opened my eyes and she slowly opens hers. "Anna..follow me ok? Me and Shawn have a suprise for you" I said and she nods and gets out of bet and I hold her hand leading the way to the back room where the baby grand piano was. I sit her down on the chair while Shawn was already there smiling at her by the mic and I walked over to the piano. "Anna..since you locked your words I want you to hear and listen carefully to these words ok?" I say and she nods and I begin to play the song.


Feel me

I am still here and you're still there I know

I am still here and you're still there I know

and I'm scared you'll leave me with no way home

Feel me

Feel me


See I've got so many keys to these doors

I feel trapped in here, but I still want more

Let me out of here and please don't ignore me

Baby can you feel me?

Baby can you feel me?

Baby can you feel me?


In my perfect world you're happy with me

When I picture it, it's all heavenly

But this fairytale is just a story see?

Life is such an unpredictable dream


Feel me

Baby can you feel me? (me: No no no no no)

Baby can you feel me? (Me: Feel Me)


Feel me (Me: Feel me)

Feel me (Me: Feel me)

Baby can you feel me?

When we finished and looked at Anna she was in tears and covered her face with her hands, we walked over to her and held her tight "..sorry.." she said softly. Me and Shawn looked at eachother and smiled Shawn was nearly in tears when he heard it. "Thats's going to be ok from now on" he says and I added," Just don't ever lock us out ever lass or else got that?" she smiles at us and nods. "Nope I don't do nods use your words" I said. She looks at me," I..understand". I smile at her," good girl" and we both held her. That night after we ate dinner we played Call of Duty and Gears of War together having a great time, the best part about this is that it's summer and we don't have to worry about school for a few more weeks.

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