Chapter 48- The Graduation Party

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Annaley's POV

We finally made it to the beach and everyone was back in their comfortable clothes and mingling around with one another. Teresa walks onto the stage with us behind her and we all had on matching outfits which was a black shirt and leggings that matched our ballet shoes (Red-Teresa, Pink- Melanie. Jasmine- Orange, Yellow- Megan, Green- Jess, and Blue which was me). Teresa walks to the microphone and says," hope you guys are having an amazing time because I have some news for you guys...many of you know what we are but what you guys didn't know was that we was royalty and we are to be crowned later on tonight" Everyone cheers and claps for us as Teresa continues once they was quiet enough,"Sadly you won't be able to watch us get crowned but we wanted to share one last special memory with you guys....and that was to invite you to our wedding which is also today so lets get this party started" the crowd cheers and whistles as I glance at Louis and he gives me a fake smile and I give him one in return. The music starts up again and after a few songs and dances and it was getting towards the end and we all walk to the stage again," Well...this is our final song for you...we wrote these words for everyone that is here please listen carefully" Jasmine says as I glanced at my brother, Aiden, Chris, Louis and Zayn in the audience and we all get into our places with our backs to the audience using a little magic to create stars around them and lights wround us and once the music begins and we turn one by one as we begin.


Ah, so it began with a subtle premonition


Ah, all our wishes lit up just like starry skies


We were like flowers blooming


We were always smiling

Megan and Jasmine:

Even though things have changed

The Bond we share is still the same *Melanie and Teresa joins in*

Melanie and Megan:

I will not forget everything we did till the end of time

Teresa and Jasmine:

Even at the start I knew that your heart would be one with mine.

Me and Jess:

Together we traveled the world


discovering (Jasmine: Brand new things)

Megan and Melanie:

We knew that we could do anything

All of us:

Lets join hands and sing till the end..

Now is the time for the little bird to fly

spread your wings, take to the sky *we lift our hands to the sky*

I knew that you would soar up high * we smile at them*

In the distance the color of the sea is beckoning us straight to it * as we all point and look to the sea*

even though we don't know where we will go

it all seems like a dream that we are painting

would you mind if I just turn back time?

Melanie, Jess, Megan:

Should we go?

Me, Teresa, Jasmine:

La, La, La, La

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