Chapter 9

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Few days later...

Despite the huge crowd of fans filling the entire airport with their screams, the seven guys of Bangtan managed to pass through the departure gates smoothly after biding their fans goodbye. In the departure hall, where they can finally have some private time on their own, all of them started to discuss about what to do later. 

"Kookie, what's your seat number?" V asked as he approaches Jungkook. 


"Ahhh not with me, I think Jiminie is seating beside you."


Excited Jungkook immediately went to get his hyung's seat number and indeed, Jimin is 36B. Probably closer to Jimin compared to the other hyungs, Jungkook felt so relieved to be sitting with Jimin. It will be so much fun and they will be talking about so many things!!

It was soon boarding time, and as the VIPs, Bangtan got to board the flight first. However, when stepping onto the aircraft, Jungkook noticed that the arrangement was 3 seats on each side...which means somebody would be sitting beside Jimin. 

Someone's name popped up in Jungkook's mind and he is the last person he hoped to sit beside Jimin. But...lucky or not, Suga is fated to sit beside his boyfriend. Taking one last look at Suga's seat number, Jungkook confirmed that his hyung is supposed to sit at 36C, aka beside Jimin. 

As Jungkook walked to his seat with heavy footsteps, he could hear the Yoonmin couple at the back celebrating that they will be sitting together today. As if there's dark clouds hanging on top of Jungkook's head, he remained silent until take off. 

Emo Jungkook was looking outside the window when Jimin timidly tapped his shoulders. "Aren't you gonna take a nap? It will be a two hours flight to Japan."

"Aniyo hyung, I'll probably watch a movie later."

" everything alright? You looked very excited just now and're a little bit too calm..."

"Errrr I just need some alone time probably."

"Okay...I shall not disturb you," Jimin said with a smile. 

Jungkook had his headphone on and is now playing his "sad" playlist. Despite the nice weather, everything in Jungkook's eyes seem like black and white, especially when there's a pda couple sitting right beside him. 

He turned to his right, to see Suga and Jimin laughing. They had interlocked their hands, while the other was holding Jimin's phone. They are probably laughing at something on the phone, for which, Jungkook did not bothered to know. 

As Jimin opened a bottle of water to drink, he remembered to share some with his boyfriend. A short eye contact between them when drinking from the same bottle made Jungkook very uncomfortable. There's like heart-shapes covering their eyes and they literally in their own world. Jimin would occasionally tidy Suga's hair while Suga would pinched his dongsaeng's cheeks. 

Jungkook currently feels like the third wheel and even wanting to go to the toilet which means would be disturbing them seems to be a crime. He turned on the screen in front of him and scrolled through some movie. Coincidental or not, majority of it were romantic movies, which was very unsuitable for this needy-for-love maknae. 

Despite picking the scariest horror movie, this fearless golden maknae had totally no sign of terror or excitement shown on his face. The eerie music was turned to the max but what irritated him more was the chatting beside him. 

How can they even talk for so long? Don't they have anything better to do? 

Jungkook assumed that Yoonmin was still chit-chatting until when he felt a weight on his shoulder. He turned right to find Jimin leaning on his shoulder, asleep. Jimin had his mouth mid opened, his head threatening to fall anytime. Jungkook took down his headphone and looked at his hyung, closer this time. He even took a tissue to wipe the saliva that was formed at the edge of Jimin's mouth. 

Now feeling more of a use, a pillow at least, Jungkook finally smiled as he shifted his shoulder to make it more comfortable for his hyung. However, before he could enjoy more of this sweet unexpected moment with Jimin, the weight was lifted off his shoulder. It was Suga, who tilted Jimin's head away, now leaning on his shoulder instead. 

"Sorry for disturbing you Kookie," Suga apologised on behalf. 

Jungkook could only look at his hyung in disbelief. He wasn't uncomfortable at all; instead he was enjoying it. But then, maybe his boyfriend is more suitable to be a pillow for Jimin. Snoring Jimin wouldn't even know who's shoulder is he leaning on. He stared at Suga, who was playing with his phone; and Jimin, resting on his boyfriend's shoulder. Suga had even place a blanket over Jimin. 

"Seems like Yoongi hyung is a better boyfriend material than me..." Jungkook sighed. 

Bangtan experienced the same thing after arriving at Japan. Fan boards raising in the air, high-pitched screams echoed through the arrival hall, buff security guards trying their best to make out a walkway through the crowd of ARMYs. 

Unknowingly, Jungkook was the last again. He looked in front to see his hyungs in pair, and him, stuck with manager hyung. Luckily the mask he wore covered the frown he had on his face, as he squeezed his way out of the crowd. Leaving the airport was the only way to stop the chaos but the van was nowhere to be seen. 

Manager hyung gathered all the members to a side before explaining, "Our driver from Japan is currently stuck in a traffic jam and probably need one more hour to reach the airport. My plan is for us to take taxis instead, to the hotel. Any objection?"

The boys shook their head before proceeding to the taxi stand. They had to split up, into three different taxis, due to their large luggage. It was Namjoon and Jin; J-hope and V; Suga, Jimin and Jungkook. 

And yes, for the second time of the day, Jungkook had to be in the same car as the couple. He was actually the one who shipped this couple the most, but now, weirdly, he's kinda irritated by the two. His description for their pda actions changed from 'cute' to 'disgusting'; from 'loving' to 'can't they separate from each other even for just a second?'

Jungkook knew his manners and took the seat beside the driver voluntarily, giving his two hyungs their private time at the back of the car. The one hour duration to the hotel seems to be eternity. Jungkook can't even take a quick nap due to the giggles at the back. He peeked through the mirror to see Jimin and Suga cuddling at one corner. 

"The car is so big, do they even need to squeeze at a corner?" he thought to himself as he rolled his eyes. 

The rage inside Jungkook was already rising up to his throat and one more sound that come from his hyung would literally trigger the explosion. He looked at the mirror, and sighed upon noticing how pathetic he is now. A few mouthful of water had slight calmed him down as he questioned himself about the numerous indescribable emotions inside him.

"Why am I feeling so pissed at them? They are just a normal couple showing their affection towards each other. It's totally none of my business and why am I so damn bothered about what they're doing? They can hugged, kissed or do whatever they want and I'll be here listening to music, looking at the surrounding and pretend that I never hear anything from them. Why can't I f*cking do that?!? Why am I getting angry, jealous about their relationship when I'm the one who shipped them together? Seriously...what the heck is wrong with me today?" 

Luckily, this self-reflection time for Jungkook helped to divert his attention away from the couple and survive until they reach the hotel. The sun had already set and all they wanted to do is to get their hotel keys and go to bed right away. 

As they walked along the corridor, Jungkook noticed his bandmates going into their designated room one by one, and when they reached the last room, Jimin was the only one beside him. 

"Kookie!! I guess we're gonna be roommates?!?"

"Oh no, not again..."

"What not again?"

"Why do I keep sticking with you hyung?"

"Because we're fated?

"Today is just not my day..." he sighed.

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