Chapter 11

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(back to Korea)

Jimin's POV

I paced front and back outside hyung's room. My hand had touched the door knob numerous times but I just don't have the courage to turn it.

"Just forget it Jimin," I sighed, "you're just thinking too much!"

I leaned against the door and started tapping my feet. It was the first time I was so nervous to talk to hyung and the angel and devil in my head is still debating intensively.

"Jimin, just walk away and put that mysterious feelings aside. It's just temporary and its gonna disappear in no time."

"No Jimin, walk in. Find out what is your true feelings and stop being stuck in between two person!"

"Argh mo la!!" I shouted out loud as I scratched my head.

At this moment, the door opened and my entire body fell backwards. I managed to balance myself thanks to someone supporting me behind. I turned around to see Jin hyung with a empty tub of ice-cream in his hand.

"Oh Jimin ah, why are you outside the room? Looking for Yoongi?"


"Yoongi is taking a bath now, I think you need to wait for a while."

"Aniyo hyung, I'm actually...looking for you."


"Ne. I need to talk to you about some things..."

"Sure, come in," Jin hyung welcomed me with a smile as we sat on his bed.

I looked at the locked door to assure myself that Suga hyung wouldn't hear this conversation. Then, I turned to look at Jin hyung, who had a curious expression all painted on his face.

Jin: So...what is it?

Jimin: and Namjoon hyung had been dating for quite sometime...

Jin: Technically few days later is our 100 days anniversary.

Jimin: Okay, cool. How did you know that Namjoon hyung is the one?

Jin: Wow, that's something even I didn't ask myself before. Well, after being with Bangtan for a few years, I am closest to Namjoon. So naturally, we will hang out together more often and gradually, unknowingly I developed a stronger feeling towards him, treating him more than just friends.

Jimin: I see.

Jin: Wae? Why are you asking me such weird question when you yourself already have a boyfriend? Still doubting your feelings towards Yoongi?

Jimin: I guess? Erm...I'm just curious how do you know if you fell in love with someone.

Jin: That depends on how to react when you and him are in a certain situation.

Jimin: Like...when I see him getting pissed off and walked away, I really wanted to follow him and ask what's wrong. When I'm alone daydreaming, I will always recall what happened when I was with him. I take his every word to heart; be it him dissing me or saying I'm shorter than him. When I'm talking to the other members, I tend to look out for his reaction. When I dreamt about him, I truly hoped that it was true. And when my face was so close to his face, it took every bone in my body to stop myself from going on further because I know that I already have a boyfriend...

Jin: Mwo??

Jimin: Ahhh I mean- erm- is all these actions normal towards a friend or...did I really fall in love with him already?

Jin: Oh no, it means that you really love him a lot a lot.

Jimin: Jinjaro?

Jin: Seeing your love for Yoongi, you guys are gonna last very long.

Jimin: I don't even know now.

Jin: Don't worry, things will turn out just fine.

Jimin: Erm...please...don't tell Yoongi hyung, I scared he might misunderstand.

Jin: Sureeee. Aish...seems like I look to trustworthy to you guys huh, everybody is asking me for love advises...

Jimin: Everybody?

Jin: Ne, Kookie came to talk to me yesterday.

Jimin: What did he say?

Jin: Erm...seems like he's also in love. He said it's wrong to like someone who's taken but he cannot control. Everytime when he see his love with another person, all the hairs on his body would stand up. He was tired being a gooseberry and he knew it was wrong to hope the both of them would break up but he really can't control his feelings...

Jimin: He- he said that?

Jin: Oops!! Aishhh stupid me, I promise him to keep it a secret! Ahhh why am I so big mouth?

While Jin hyung was hitting his mouth while lecturing himself, I unknowingly stood up and went out of the room. " in love? With who? It's a he. And...he's taken?" Questions started to flood my mind and the next thing I know, I reached the kitchen. I went to the fridge to take a bottle of cold water to calm myself down.

As I turned around, I saw Kookie standing right beside me. Both of us had a great shock. My eyes darted here and there, just not on his face. He too, gripped his fingers tightly and did not make a sound.

"Are you...looking for me?" I asked.

"Huh? Aniyo. Just grabbing something to drink."

" look shock right now."

"So do you hyung."

I took a peek at his expression and looked back down, on the floor. What to do now? Ettokhae? Awkward!!

"Kookie ah," I began, "if you happen to like someone, hyung will support you."

"O-okay, but we're impossible."


Instead of answering me, which I really really want to know the reason why, he faked a yawn and said, "I'm tired hyung, need to get some sleep. Goodnight."

As if I look like a big fat wolf and he's red riding hood, he sped off and headed straight to his room after saying goodnight. This action of his made him even more suspicious, and made me even more curious as to who he really likes. To be honest, despite wanting to know who's that lucky person, one part in my heart is kinda afraid.

Kookie might go on a date with him; hold his hand; hug him and kiss him?!? Argh these imaginations are driving me crazy. Yes, I know I might be selfish, but is it wrong to want Kookie to stay by my side forever? Don't all hyungs wish that way?

I pictured the scene just now, where Kookie was standing right in front of me. Reaching out to touch his face, begging him not to leave me. And when I reach further out to realise it's all my imagination, I swear it doesn't feels good at all.

Urghhh what's wrong with me today?? First asking Jin hyung if my feelings towards Kookie is love; then hoping that Kookie would be my side forever. Park have a boyfriend. You're taken, you're not supposed to like another person, it's wrong!!

The rest of the week went on just fine, as should I say as per normal. Practice, something we do daily. Yoongi hyung and I would stick together, at least that make me feels like I'm actually someone's boyfriend. Kookie did not talk to me as much as before, not considered awkward but just...our conversation isn't that long as before. That mysterious feeling I had for Kookie...I had buried it deep down inside and yea, everything's back to normal, except for Taehyung who would still occasionally talk to the rabbits on the moon at night.

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