0.03 In Trouble

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0.03 In Trouble 

"Yes, Greedo."

Harmony groaned as she rolled her eyes at the alien. She found him irritating.

While her and her brother sat in booth across from Greedo, Han replied, "As a matter of fact, we was just going to see your boss. Tell Jabba that we've got his money."

Greedo spoke back in his language. Harmony understood him but she didn't give a crap of him. "Yeah, but this time we got the money," Han said.

If you give it to me, I might forget I found you.

She sighed and looked at her brother, waiting for his reply.

Han picked at the wall, "I don't have it with me. Tell Jabba-"

Jabba's through with you. He has no time for smugglers who drop their shipments at the first sign of an Imperial cruiser.

It was Harmony's turn to fight back. She needed to speak for her and her brother. Harmony wanted to start acting older.

"Even we get boarded sometimes," she crossed her arms at Greedo, "Do you think we had a choice?"

Finally the little girl talks.

She rolled her eyes, "I'm nineteen years old. At least I act my age. You, Greedo, Ha! You were born yesterday!"

While Greedo responded, Harmony looked down at her brother's side. He clicked the button on his blaster, ready to shoot. Then, she looked to her side. Her blaster was there, ready to shoot. She stared up back at Greedo.

"Over my dead body," her brother replied and slowly took his blaster out of his belt.

That's the idea. I've been looking forward to killing you for a long time.

Harmony smirked at her brother, signaling it was time. She continued the grin as she looked at the alien, "Yes, I'll bet you have."

Before Greedo could shoot at them, Han pulled the trigger and shot at the green alien. Greedo was too dumb to shoot first. It was always the Solo siblings who were first. Steam flew out of the dead alien's corpse. She wanted to get out her blaster and shoot him again but the deed was already done. They both got out of the booth and started to walk out of the bar. Faces of the other aliens looked at them, in fear and astonishment. Han walked straight out of the bar, not looking at anyone. Harmony flicked a gold coin to the bartender.

"Sorry about the mess," she smirked and followed her brother out.

Harmony ran to her brother's side as they entered back to the streets and sunlight.

"Han, that was awesome!" She exclaimed.

He said, "Yeah, I could see you were getting annoyed with him."

"Who wouldn't be annoyed by Greedo? He can't even pull out his blaster up in time!" She chuckled.

He joined in her laughter. It lasted for a few moments before they turned the corner to the Docking Bay where the Millennium Falcon rested. Harmony clicked the button to open the door.

Solo! Come out of there Solo!

Harmony groaned to the voice was familiar as her and her brother walked into the bay. Chewbacca was against the wall, waiting for them. She looked to find a blob and his minions, searching for them.

"Right here, Jabba!" Her brother shouted and made the others looked onto the two.

Harmony said, "Been waiting for you!"

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