1.04 Cloud City

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1.05 Cloud City

Harmony stood on the ground while Luke walked on the ship, getting ready for takeoff Yoda watched them with disappointment. Luke was back in his Rebel pilot uniform. R2 was on top of the ship. Luke checked if the controls were good.

"How are you doing up there, Pretty Boy?" Harmony asked.

He looked down at her with a smile, "Everything up here looks good."

Yoda interrupted, "Luke! You must complete the training."

"I can't keep the vision out of my head," he replied, "Harmony and I, both, can't stop thinking about it."

"We've got to help them!" Harmony continued.

As Luke walked down the ladder, Yoda responded, "You must not go."

"But Han and Leia will die if we don't," Luke denied.

Harmony watched Luke's head perk up. Yoda's head turned to the left.

She groaned, "Great. Another Jedi moment."

"But I can help them. I feel the Force," Luke told the air.

His arm laid against the ship, listening to the voice she couldn't hear.

"Yes! Yes!" Yoda shouted, "To Obi-Wan you listen. The cave. Remember your failure at the cave."

Luke pleaded, "But I've learned so much since then."

He walked over to fix something on the ship. While he did that, he spoke more, "Master Yoda, I promise to return and to finish what I've begun. You have my word."

Silence took over them once more. Harmony knew the ghost of Obi-Wan was talking if there was silence. Only the noble Jedis could hear, the weak minded fools like her, could not.

"That's why we have to go," Luke stopped fixing the ship.

Another second of silence came back. After it, Luke replied, "You won't."

"Stopped they must be," Yoda pleaded, "On this all depends. Only a fully trained Jedi knight with the Force as his ally will conquer Vader and his emperor."

Luke was checking the jets to see if anything was stuck while Yoda tried to convince him not to go.

"If you end your training now, if you choose the quick and easy path as Vader did, you will become an agent of evil."

"And sacrifice my brother and Leia in the progress?" Harmony stepped forward.

Yoda said, "If you honor what they fight for...yes."

Harmony was done. She hated this. She hated listening to this wise creature, telling her to let her brother die. She was done with this Jedi crap and about Luke's destiny. He needed to decide his own. She needed to decide her own. Silence came back for revenge. The ghost of Luke's old master spoke. She didn't know what he was saying but it was probably helping Yoda's cause. Luke looked at the ladder, "I understand."

He then gave Yoda a look before he stared up at R2, "R2!"

The droid beeped back.

"Fire up the converters!" He commanded.

Luke then looked across at Harmony. He gave her directions, "I wish you could fit but..."

"You had to fly one passenger ship," she rolled her eyes, "Nice going, Pretty Boy."

"You're the one who fell asleep."

"It's your fault for getting stuck in the snowstorm."

He smiled at her. She smiled back. Harmony nodded as she ran to the back of the ship. She climbed into the compartment and closed the door. Harmony leaned her head against one of the boxes. This time, Harmony couldn't sleep. She needed to see her brother's face before she could close her eyes again. Harmony heard the engine turn on. Luke was ready to fly and so was she.

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