1.00 Out of the Snow

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1.00 Out of the Snow

Harmony was awake to whole night. Her eyes were always open. They never closed. She wasn't going to sleep until she saw Han and Luke. Chewbacca and her were laying on top of the Falcon before they were told that her brother and Luke were found. Harmony jumped straight down. The height wasn't a struggle. Her brother was alive. She didn't want to take long, climbing down the ladder. Harmony's feet hit the snowy ground. She ran to where they were. Harmony entered into the room. Han and Leia turned to face her. Han smiled, "Told you I would be okay."

She ran and wrapped her arms around him. He looked down in astonishment. She looked at Leia and Han. "Where is Pretty Boy?"

Their heads turned to a cylinder with water and body instead. The body wore white underwear. Nothing else. His stomach was bare. She recognized the stranger. His face had scars and his blonde hair flew in the water. Luke was in there. She knew he was alive.  His mouth was braced with a machine given him oxygen. A droid locked something on the cylinder to wake him up. His green eyes appeared. He looked around. Luke realized his surroundings and swam up to the opening. Luke exited into another room. He got dressed and laid down. Her, Han and Chewbacca went to visit him. The door went up as they entered into the room.

She heard C3PO say, "R2  expresses his relief, also."

Chewbacca growled behind her as they walked up to Luke.

"How you feeling, Pretty Boy?" Harmony asked, "You don't look so bad to me."

Luke replied, "Thanks to your brother."

"That's two you owe us, junior," Han said.

At first, Harmony didn't know what he was talking about but then she reminded herself of when she saved him twice on the Death Star. Without Harmony, Luke would be dead and the Death Star would be destroying everything in sight. He would be lying on the ground with a hole through his stomach. Han turned his body to face Leia, "Well your Worship, looks like you managed to keep me around for a little while longer."

"I had nothing to do with it," Leia responded, "General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for any ships to leave the system until we've activated the energy field."

"That's a good story," Han smirked, "I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight."

Harmony rolled her eyes at her brother's comment. Leia did too. She said, "I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain."

Next to Harmony, Chewbacca gave barks of laughter in response. Han looked to the Wookiee and spoke, "Laugh it up, fuzzball!"

Han walked and wrapped his arm around Leia, explaining, "But you didn't see us in the south passage. She expressed her true feelings for me."

Leia looked up at him, "My-"

Harmony and Luke glanced at each other before looking back at the lovely couple. Leia screamed while Han walked back where he was, "Why, you stuck up,  half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder!"

Han's head whipped around.

"Who's scruffy-looking?"
"Um, I think she is definitely talking to you, brother."

Harmony smirked to her brother. He gave her a dead stare, telling her, he was not happy with her comment. Han ignored it and said to Luke, "I must have hit pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that, huh, kid?"

Everyone, including Harmony, looked at Leia. Harmony knew Leia was thinking of something. Something to tick Han off. She started to nod and walked over to where Luke laid.

"Why, I guess you don't know everything about women yet?"

Suddenly, Leia leaned over, putting her hands on Luke's cheeks and pulling him into a kiss.

Yeah. That will tick Han. Harmony thought.

It was a few seconds but they were long. Luke didn't want to stop. Harmony could see it in his face. He was relaxed. Also it seemed like he never had been kissed but Leia was done in a matter of seconds. She pulled away. Leia smirked at Han while the speakers echoed, "Headquarters personnel, report to command center." It repeated as she walked away into the hallway. Luke pulled his arm around his head. His mouth was wide. Harmony rolled her eyes. She yawned.

"Take it easy," Han patted Luke's bed.

He then patted his sister on the shoulder, "Leia told me you didn't sleep all night. Get some rest."

Harmony nodded. Han exited out of the room with Chewbacca.

C3PO said to Luke and Harmony, "Excuse us, please."

R2 and C3PO went out of the room. Harmony and Luke shared a stare.

"Wonder what's up," Harmony told him.

Luke said, "I do too."

"Well I better get some sleep," Harmony smiled as she walked out of the room, "Take care, Pretty Boy."

Luke waved while she searched for a room to sleep in. She finally found one down the long hallway. Harmony entered and laid down on the bed. She looked at the ceiling and then closed her eyes. Harmony saw darkness. She slept there, silently. Harmony then woke up to hear beeping. She turned down to find R2. He beeped more. She didn't understand what he was saying. That was C3PO's job, not hers.

"R2! THERE YOU ARE!" C3PO shouted.

He entered into the room. Harmony rolled her eyes as she dangled her feet off the bed.

"Oh hi there, Ms. Solo," he moved his hand, "Sorry to wake you. I was searching R2 and-"

"Shut up, Can," she moved her arm across her face, stressed out of sleep, "I just need to sleep. No distractions."

Harmony hatched a plan. Everyone would wake her up if she slept in one of these rooms. She decided to go to the most unlikey spots. Harmony walked out of the room into the hallway, bumping into C3PO's shoulder. She went into the hanger. Harmony walked towards a X-Wing. She remembered Luke telling her that there was a compartment on the ship. Harmony opened the door to it. She crawled in and laid her head against the wall. She closed her eyes and all surroundings were silences as she met with darkness.

Harmony woke up with a jolt. She hit her head.

"What the-" She breathed to herself.

The ship shook more. The ship was leaning on it's one side. It wasn't like this before. Footsteps pounded against the ship. She crawled back to the door and tried to open it. It was locked.

"Damn it!" She said to herself.

Why was it locked? They never lock it..unless...

She pounded against the wall, screaming, "Hey! Get me out of here!"

Harmony screamed more. She heard a muffled voice but it wasn't clear enough for her to recognize it. The door open.


It was Luke. He tilted his head. She crawled out of the compartment and into the outside and where they were was not the hanger. It was a swamp. Trees surrounded them and a huge stream of filthy water.

"Luke, where are we?"

"We are in the Dagobah system."

Word Count: 1176

That is the huge thing I wanted to do with Harmony. I wanted her to be with Luke on Dagobah. It is going to be fun and for you, Larmony shippers, you guys are going to love some of the scenes. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

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