0.06 Han Being Tricked by Pretty Boy

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0.06 Han Being Tricked by Pretty Boy

The group walked out of the ship unnoticed. Harmony hated wearing a dead man's outfit. It smelled. She wondered if he cleaned himself up that day. Her, Han and Luke were all dressed up in their enemy's armor. C3PO, R2, and Ben followed behind, not undercover. Luke was left behind to distract the officers. Han, Harmony and Chewbacca lead the others to the main command room. Right when they were at the door, it flew open with a officer in front. His eyes widen before Chewbacca growled and slashed at him, making him fall into red barrels. The officer stood up and before he could shout, Han pulled the trigger and shot at him. He fell to the ground. As they ran into the room, Luke trailed behind, catching up with them. Chewbacca barked more as Luke got in and closed the door. Harmony and Han took off their helmets. She was so glad to be fresh from the stench.

"Between his howling and your blasting everything in sight, it's a wonder the whole station doesn't know we're here," Luke pulled his off to complained to Han about protecting them from the enemies.

"Bring them on!" Her brother shouted, "I'd prefer a straight fight to all this sneakin' around."

Luke said to Harmony, "What about you?"

"It would be quicker just to shoot everyone," She shrugged.

You couldn't blame her to answer like that. She had smuggled for her life. Her brother taught her to shoot first, never think. She never thought of the people she shot if they had a family. All she cared about was getting the hell out of there and that if Chewie and Han were okay. They were her family and no one else.

C3PO broke up the conversation, "We've found the computer outlet, sir."

Ben turned to face the droid, "Plug in. He should be able to interpret the entire imperial network."

She stared over at Luke. He fluffed his hair. She didn't know if he was trying to impress her or it was for his own enjoyment. Harmony looked back once she heard beeping from R2.

CP3O translated for everyone, "He says he's found the main controls to the power beam that's holding the ship here. He'll try to make the precise location appear on the monitor."

Everyone's eyes dart to the screen. C3PO dicated what showed on the screen.

"The tractor beam is coupled to the main reactor in seven locations. A power loss at the one of the terminals will allow the ship to leave."

"I don't you can help," Ben told the group, "I must go alone."

Han replied, "Whatever you say. I've done more than I bargained for on this trip already."

"I want to go with you," Luke begged.

Ben responded, "Be patient, Luke. Stay and watch over the droids."

Luke tried to deny but Ben stopped him, "They must be delivered safely or other star systems will suffer the same fate as Alderaan. Your destiny lies along a different path from mine."

Ben slammed the door button, unable to look at Luke. He looked out in the hallway before looking back at the young Jedi in training, "The Force will be with you. Always."

He ran out of the room. Luke clicked the button again to close it. Chewbacca growled.

"You said it, Chewie," Harmony looked up at the Wookiee.

Han looked over at Luke, "Where did you dig up that old fossil?"

Luke replied in defense of his Master, "Ben is a great man."

"Yeah, great at getting us into trouble," Han rolled his eyes.

Luke shouted, "I didn't hear you give any ideas!"

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