0.08 Escaping the Death Star

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0.08 Escaping the Death Star

The walls rumbled closer as the clanking became louder. Harmony looked around at everyone. Chewbacca whined as he tried to stopped the wall. The garbage crushed like they would be soon. Han and Leia pushed a long pole against the two walls.

"Try brace it with something!" She shouted.

Harmony cringed at how their situation was coming out. Harmony stood next to Luke, who was trying to communicate with C3PO.

"3PO! Come in, 3PO! 3PO!" He yelled at his comlink.

Harmony went to the wall that was pushing against Luke's body and laid her hands on the metal wall.

"Where can he be?" He asked. 

The walls were cold against her palms. Her arms were getting weak. She struggled to keep them up. The room shook while it went smaller. Harmony was fine in small spaces but she wasn't good with walls, closing in on her. She didn't want to die from walls, closing in on her. If she died, sacrificing herself for Chewie or Han, she would be fine but if she died from a trash compactor, thanks to Luke, failing to save a princess, she wouldn't forgive herself. Luke tried again.

"3PO! Come in, 3PO! 3PO!"

"Luke! He isn't answering! Now help me push!" She shouted  at him.

He ignored her and continued yelling at the comlink. She rolled her eyes.

Harmony caused her arms to drop to her side. It only took a moment of rest before she tried to stop the wall more. Behind her, Han and Leia tried to put another pipe between the two walls. She begun to slip, into the deep trash. Han yelled, "Get to the top!"

"I can't!" She struggled to stand.

Luke wondered with his mouth, "Where could he be? 3PO! 3PO,will you come in?"

"I don't know where he could be," Harmony muttered to herself, "But I know that he is our only hope on getting us out of here."

The pole begun to snap. It wasn't working.

Han struggled to keep the Leia up but he didn't struggle to comment sarcastically, "One thing's for sure. We're all going to be a lot thinner! Get on top of it!"

"I'm trying!" The princess shouted back.

The walls were getting closer and Harmony gave up. She knew this was the end and she hated it. Her memories flashed through her head. The wall was pushing her instead of her pushing it. Trash collided against her armor. So was Luke. Both leaned against each other and she couldn't move or get away. They were stuck against each other.

A muffled voice came from the comlink, "Are you there, sir?"

"3PO!" Harmony yelled.

"We've had some problems-"

Luke had gotten to his breaking point, "Will you shut up and listen to me? Shut down all garbage mashers on the detention level, will you? Do you copy?"

"Shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level," Luke repeated.

C3PO did not respond. From his hands, Harmony took the comlink and screamed into it.

She handed it back to Luke as the other wall crunched her arm. Harmony believed that her body would be crushed after the last moment of the wall but instead it stopped. She felt relief as everyone started to laugh and shout in gratitude. Luke was the most happy. He screamed, laughing and his smile shined in the whole room. Harmony screamed, "TAKE THAT, STORMTROOPERS!"

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