2.04 The End of The Empire

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2.04 The End of the Empire

Harmony's arms started to hurt. They were behind her head for a long time and she wanted to drop them to her side. She knew that if she followed through with what she wanted to do, she would get a blast in her stomach. Harmony didn't want to die in that stupid of a way.

The rebels kept their arms up like her as they huddled in a clump. Members of the Empire surrounded them, pointing their blasters. Suddenly, a shout came from the trees.

"Hello! I say, over there!"

Harmony and everyone else turned their heads to see C3PO, throwing his hands in the air, yelling more, "Were you looking for me?"

Chewbacca growled in response. An Imperial officer screamed, instructing some stormtroopers, "Bring those two down here!"

C3PO walked out of sight. Harmony watched in anticipation, waiting for something to happen. The silence was killing her. Then, a sound was heard throughout the forest. She knew she heard it before. When the second one echoed, she recognized it from the Ewoks. The bushes rustled as the Ewoks stood up, revealing themselves. Yells erupted and arrows were shot at the hundred troopers and officers. The Ewoks' surprise attacked caused mass hysteria. People scattered for cover. Harmony took her hands off her head. She shook them to wake them up before punching a stormtrooper. She glanced at a walker, shooting at the different areas of land. The explosions were big. They destroyed large trees and sadly, some of their loyal friends, the Ewoks. Harmony looked at Chewbacca as he threw a trooper. He stared at her as the Solo had a plan going through her head. She ran to Chewbacca and told him her plan, "The only way we are going to outnumber them is with hijacking one of those walkers."

The Wookiee nodded, agreeing with her plan. Harmony looked around, "Now, we have to find a way up there."

She glanced back at Chewbacca and started to run, "Come on!"

They ran through the forest, getting up, onto a hill. Harmony saw behind them, two Ewoks that were willing to take down one of the walkers with them. The Ewoks led them to a rope they could swing on. Harmony was the first one on the rope, then the two Ewoks hopped on. The last one to get on was Chewbacca. There was a reason. With his tall stature and heavier weight than the three of them, he could make the rope swing very far. Harmony didn't know if she was right with her plan but when they hopped onto the walker, it confirmed that it did work out. They stood on the walker, trying to balance on it but it was easier when it stopped. An Ewok poked its head in front of the window. She stood above the hatch and watched as a man came out of it.

"Nice to see you," she gave a smirk and waved while Chewbacca threw him overboard. One of the Ewoks jumped in, onto the other walker pilot. The other one joined his friend. Harmony looked at Chewbacca, putting her hand in the air, congratulating him on a job well done. He slapped his paw on her hand. Suddenly, the walker started to march. Harmony went side to side, almost falling off but taking safety in the walker with the two Ewoks. Chewbacca joined in, closing the hatch door above him. She took control of the shooting. Harmony focused on the walker in front of them. She shot at it two times before it exploding in front of them. Harmony, the two Ewoks and Chewbacca smiled and laughed in excitement after destroying the other walker. The Ewoks tried to get their hands on the buttons but Harmony slapped their paws lightly to tell them not to. They agreed reluctantly but pointed at new targets for Harmony to shoot. She followed their directions. Harmony never felt so at home in that walker. It reminded her of the time that Han, Luke and her fought off those ships when she was nineteen. Chewbacca made the walker go towards the bunker. As they came closer, she noticed a clearer view of Han, Leia, C3PO and R2D2. Harmony noticed Han, surrendering with his arms in the air. Harmony popped out of the hatch with a shout, "Surrendering that easy? Didn't you teach me anything?"

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