2.03 Take Over of the Platform

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2.03 Take Over of the Platform

Harmony wanted to scream at Luke. She wanted him to come back. Come back to the hut, come back to his friends, come back to her. What did he have to that was so important? Did it have something to do with Darth Vadar? He did mumble about Vadar being near on the ship.

She sat on the rope bridge the next early morning because she couldn't sleep. It wasn't Luke or her nightmares that she hadn't had since Han returned. Harmony woke up early to get some peace and quiet before the battle. She hoped that maybe after the Empire was destroyed, every day would be like the calm morning. There was a hand on her shoulder. She looked to her side to find her brother.

"Do you know-"

Her brother interrupted as he sat down next to her, "No. She won't tell me."

She woke up early in the morning because she couldn't sleep. It wasn't Luke or her nightmares. Speaking of nightmares, she was barely having them. She hoped that the bad would be behind her after today's battle. 

"Han, you like Leia right?"

Han shook his head, "I don't like her."

"Oh," Harmony looked down.

"I love her."

Harmony looked back up at him. She took a breath before asking, "How does it feel? Love?"

He tilted his head before answering, "It's this bubbly feeling you have. When you see them, you are memorized and all you want to do is be with them."

Harmony nodded her head, understanding her feelings, thanks to her brother's words.

"Why do you ask?"

Harmony replied, "Nothing." 

He raised his one eyebrow in response, "Sure."

Harmony smacked his shoulder. Han opened his mouth wide as he held his shoulder. She laughed at his reaction.

"Have you been working out for the past year?" 

"Indeed, I have," Harmony nodded.

Han looked out at the two suns. He didn't speak for a few seconds before saying, "We better start heading out."

He stood up as Harmony followed him.

The two including Leia, the Ewoks, the droids and rebels walked down a hill. Chewbacca waved his paw to tell Han, Leia and Harmony to walk over to him, behind a log. He had his blaster, ready to shoot if any troopers attacked them. Harmony watched as a shuttle left the landing platform, far in front of them.

"The main entrance to the control bunker is on the far side of that landing platform," Leia informed, "This isn't going to be easy."

Han replied, "Hey, don't worry. Chewie, Harmony and me got into a lot of places more heavily guarded than this."

"This is more like a practice," Harmony commented after her brother.

The Ewok next to them spoke in his native language. C3PO started a conversation with the Ewok before Leia asked, "What's he saying?"

"He says, there's a secret entrance on the other side of the ridge," C3PO told.

Han decided to listen to the Ewok and the group made their way to the secret entrance. They hid behind trees before the leader of the Ewoks, whistled for them to come forward.

Han, Harmony, Leia and another Ewok sneaked closer. The leader said something as Han looked forward and replied, "Back door, huh? Good idea."

Han and his sister in between the leaves.

Harmony spoke, "There is only a few guards."

"This shouldn't be too much trouble," Han continued.

Leia whispered behind Han, "It only takes one to sound the alarm."

Han turned his head around to face his lover, "Then we'll do it real quiet like."

"Impossible for you," Harmony rolled her eyes.

Han gasped, "Me?"

Harmony nodded back as C3PO shouted, "Oh, my! Princess Leia!"

Leia stood up and covered his mouth to remind him that his screaming could get them caught. She took her head off for C3PO to tell her what he was warning her.

"I'm afraid our furry companion has gone and done something rather rash."

Chewbacca growled. Leia let out a "oh no" as the group watched a Ewok started to sneak up towards the base.

"There goes our surprise attack," Han commented.

The Ewok climbed onto a speeder. He turned on the speeder, making the scout troopers take notice. They screamed and most of them hopped on their speeders. One of them stayed behind to protect the door.

Harmony smiled, "Not bad, there's only one left."

Han stood up and pointed to C3PO, "You stay here. We'll take care of this."

C3PO walked over to R2D2 and the Ewok saying, "I have decided that we shall stay here."

Han devised a plan to get rid of the scout trooper. Harmony stood on the other side of the landing platform as Han taped the scout trooper on the shoulder. He ran and the trooper ran after him, following him to Harmony and the Rebels. She pointed her blaster at the scout trooper. The group opened the door and entered into the platform. As they walked, Harmony thought about how easy it was to get in. She knew scout troopers were stupid but this stupid?

The Rebels stood in front of a metal door. Han shot it open with his blaster. He yelled at the Imperial workers, "All right, up! Move! Come on."

"Quickly, in an orderly fashion!" Harmony shouted with her blaster out and her finger over the trigger, in case as the workers moved

Han yelled, "Chewie!"

Chewbacca barked back, blocking the workers and holding his bow at them. Leia started to play with the controls, "Han, hurry! The fleet will be here any moment."

Han instructed, waiting, "Charges! Come on, come on!"

The charges were thrown at Han and he caught it. Then, an Imperial officer appeared, screaming, "Freeze!"

Han let go of the charges, throwing at the man. He fell of the railing. Stormtroopers and more Imperial officers ran in, blocking everyone. One held his blaster at Harmony and laughed, "You rebel scum."

She heard Chewbacca's roars while the troopers stole his bow. The Imperial officer pointed his blaster closer to Harmony, making her, reluctantly drop her weapon. Her arms raised above her head in surrender. She hoped Luke was in a better situation than them.


FINALLY AN UPDATE! I really hope you enjoy this small chapter. The next one will be the famous "Battle of Endor". Love the action packed scenes. That cute Han/Harmony conversation got me. Thank you all for the reading, likes and comments!

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