1.10 Shuttle Trouble

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1.10 Shuttle Trouble

Harmony had never seen so many ships in her life. The hanger of the Rebel base was packed with different kinds of fighter ships and rebels. People passed her as she made her way to the Imperial shuttle. Her hair was worn in a simple ponytail and her clothes were camoflauge.

"Harmony!" There was a shout from behind. She turned and saw Luke, standing a few feet from her. The young Jedi traded his black outfit for a camouflage poncho. He caught up with her. The two walked together to the shuttle.

"So how is old Yoda doing?" Harmony asked. Once the name Yoda came out of her mouth, Luke looked down. He stared at his feet.

He cleared his throat before he answered, "Harmony, Yoda is dead."

She stopped her feet. The old, wise, last Jedi master was dead. Even though she disagreed with him on the Force, he still was kind to her on Dagobah. It was sad to hear about him, dying.

"I'm sorry for your loss," she replied, "I know you were close to him."

Luke didn't respond back or face her. "You were there for me," she smiled, "I'm here for you."

He looked up at her and gleamed, "Thanks, Harmony."

She nodded before they stepped onto the shuttle. They were greeted with beeps from R2, a growl from Chewbacca and a simple "hello" from C3PO. Luke sat down, flicking buttons. Harmony checked if the shuttle was fueled and ready. Her brother walked on. He asked Luke, "Got her warmed?"

"She's coming up."

Chewbacca gave muffled barks as Han sat in the pilot's seat.

"Yeah, well, I don't think the Empire had Wookiees in mind when they designed her, Chewie," Han replied.

He continued to get the ship ready. Then he stopped and stared out the window. Harmony came over to check about what he was looking at. In front of them was the Falcon. He missed it already. Harmony rolled her eyes and snapped in front of his eyes, "Hello? Anyone home?"

"I just got a funny feeling," he responded, "like I'm not going to see her again."

Leia walked over to Han and shook him, "Come on, General, let's move."

Harmony stepped back, behind Luke's chair as her brother forgot about his prized ship and said, "Right. Chewie, let's see what this piece of junk can do. Ready everybody?"

"All set," Luke spoke back. R2 gave a whistle. Harmony nodded, "Ready as I'll ever be."

C3PO whined, "Here we go again."

The shuttle took off, abandoning the base of the Rebels. They joined in a huddle of ships but they weren't going to stay for long. Han breathed out, "All right, hang on."

Suddenly, the stars joined together. The ship flew forward through hyperspace, leaving the other ships in the dust. Once they got out of hyperspace, they slowed down. The stars came back into the sky and one of the moons of Endor appeared in front of them. A long ship flew across their window. There was a smaller ship below it. Then behind them, was a bigger and an incomplete Death Star.

"If they don't go for this," Harmony started to say before her brother interrupted.

"We're going have to get out of here pretty quick."

Chewbacca roared back, responding to the two siblings' bickering.

A radio transmission came in. On the other end, a man spoke, "We have you on our screen now. Please identify."

Han pushed the button to project his voice to the Imperial worker, "Shuttle Tydirium requesting deactivation of the deflector shield."

He looked behind him to his friends before making the ship fly closer to the longer ship. Harmony whispered to Luke, "I really hope this works because if it doesn't, we're screwed."

"Shuttle Tydirium transmit the clearance code for shield passage," the man replied.

Han said, "Transmission commencing."

"Now we find out if that code is worth the price we paid," Leia's voice spoke.

"It'll work," Han repeated twice.

There was silence before Luke stated, "Vader's on that ship."

"Don't get jittery, Luke," Han shook his head.

Harmony looked at Luke, "There are thousands of command ships. It's a very small chance that he is on this one."

Han instructed Chewbacca, "Keep your distance, though, Chewie but don't look like you're trying to keep your distance."

"Wow, Han, nice advice," Harmony rolled her eyes.

Chewbacca gave an agreement growl before Han suggested, "I don't know. Fly casual!"

A new voice came out of the speaker, "Shuttle Tydirium, what is your cargo and destination?"

Han replied, "Parts and technical crew for the forest moon."

Seconds passed. The worker didn't speak. Harmony's hands were shaking. Did the code check out or not? Do they know they are rebels or not?

"I'm endangering the mission. I shouldn't have come."

Harmony glanced to Luke. Han responded to him, "It's your imagination, kid. Let's keep a little optimism here." They went towards the incomplete Death Star. There was no news from the man.

"They're not going for it, Chewie," Han looked to the Wookiee.

Harmony leaned over Han's shoulder, "Hey, you said it yourself, have a little optimism."

"Shuttle Tydirium, deactivation of the shield will commence immediately," the worker said, "Follow your present course."

It caused Harmony to let out a sigh of relief. Han smiled, "Okay, I told you it was going to work. No problem."

The shuttle flew. Han and Chewbacca lead it to the Endor moon where the shield was located. Harmony stared at Luke. He looked back at her. They knew it was going to be tough to bring down the shield.

Word Count: 936 

I'm sorry. I was late to updating this but I hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter. 

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