2.01 Search for Leia

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2.01 Search for Leia

Harmony followed Luke, running, trying to find the others. Her back was feeling better but she still felt a slight pain. They ran past a tree into an open area. Harmony noticed her brother's blaster, peeking out behind another tree.

"Thanks for the welcoming," Harmony shouted, rolling her eyes.

Once the rebels knew it was Harmony and Luke, they came out of hiding and revealed themselves to the two. Harmony ran to where she saw Han's blaster. While she did this, her brother screamed her and Luke's names. She stopped to see her brother, with Chewbacca behind him.

Han looked around, "Where is Leia?"

Luke asked, "She didn't come back?"

"I thought she was with you two."

Harmony answered, "We got separated from her."

"We better go look for her," Luke suggested.

There was a growl from Chewbacca as Han instructed the group, "Take the squad ahead. We'll meet at the shield generator at 0300."

"Come on, R2," Luke said to the droid, "We'll need your scanners."

R2-D2 beeped back in reply. Luke, Han, Chewbacca and Harmony ran in a line while the droids trailed behind.

C3PO shouted, "Don't worry, Master Luke. We know what to do."

The droid walked as he complained to R2D2, "And you said it was pretty here!"

Harmony asked to the group, "Where could she be?"

"Somewhere," Han muttered.

The only noises that were heard was their feet, smacking against the ground. They kept in silence before Han insisted on them, splitting up to search for Leia. Harmony decided to look around a log to see if there was anything that might have belonged to the Princess. To her luck, while she was about to get up, she stepped on something. She looked down to find a helmet, similar to hers.

"It must be Leia's," she mumbled to herself.

Han screamed, "Harmony! Luke!"

Harmony followed the sound of her brother's voice up a hill to find him, standing in front of a destroyed speeder. She gasped.

Harmony thought, that might not be hers. Maybe it could be one of the dumb scout troopers' speeder.

There was a crack of a branch as she looked to her right to see Luke next to her.

"Oh, Master Luke and Ms. Solo," C3PO showed sympathy. Chewbacca growled.

Luke explained, "There's two more wrecked speeders back there."

Harmony stepped forward, tossing Leia's hat to Han, "I found this also."

"I'm afraid that R2's sensors can find no trace of Princess Leia," C3PO informed. R2 gave a beep of sadness before Han said, "I hope she's alright."

"She's Leia," Harmony spoke, trying to give hope, "She can handle herself."

Then suddenly, Chewbacca gave a loud roar. He began to walk in a straight direction

"What is it, Chewie?" Harmony asked, following him.

The Wookiee gave another growl before continuing on his path with Harmony behind him. She heard Han's voice question, "What, Chewie?"

Chewbacca stopped in front of a piece of wood, sticking from the ground. On it, was the meat of a dead animal. To Chewbacca, it looked delicious but to Harmony, she could feel her dinner last night, coming up her throat. He examined it as Han, Luke, and the droids noticed what Chewbacca smelled.

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