0.07 To the Recuse

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0.07 To the Recuse

Harmony liked Luke's plan. She hated to admit it. Even though, she reluctantly wanted to be apart of it, she felt it could work. Well work to get in but not to get out. She was worried about that part. Harmony let it go though, they would figure out when they get there. The smell of the suit had gotten to her. She couldn't stand it. At least, she got to smell the fresh air when she took of the helmet for a little. Her and Han held Chewbacca while Luke lagged behind. His blaster was against the back of Chewie. Chewbacca almost tried killing him for doing that but Harmony calmed him down. The droids were left back in the room. The Gold one who always talked, asked what if people come in.

"Lock the doors," Luke replied.

Harmony smirked back, "And make sure they don't have blasters!"

And just incase something happened, Luke had a communication chip to interact with them. While they walked in the hallway, a mouse droid drove  in front Chewbacca. He growled to scare it away. The Wookiee succeeded and the droid beeped and drove away in fear. As the four walked farther into the hallway, more of their enemies appeared, walking to their posts. Announcements spoke over, telling the recent news of the Death Star. They walked over to one of the many elevators. All waited for the door to open. When it did, it released an officer and the three with Chewbacca entered in.

As they got in, Luke exclaimed, "I can't see a thing in this helmet!"

Before they are about go up, Han stopped a worker from getting in. He blamed being in with the beast of Chewbacca. Harmony whispered to Luke on her left, "I don't even think they clean these."

He faced her but she couldn't see through. She didn't know what he was doing in there, smiling or blushing because she was there in his presence. At least that is what she thought.

The doors shut and the elevator trailed up. Han held his gun to his armor. "This is not gonna work," He commented.

Luke asked, "Why didn't you say so before?"

"He did say so before," Harmony responded, "Are you deaf or something?"

Luke's sigh echoed in his helmet. Harmony faced forward as the boys turned around with Chewbacca. The door opened in front of Harmony as Han and Luke realized their mistake.

"Idiots," she scoffed as she stepped into the Detention Block.

Officers looked up at them as Han and Luke spun themselves around. They walked through the doors before they shut.

"Where are you taking this...thing?" The main officer questioned them.

Luke took a leap of faith and answered, "Prisoner transfer from Cell Block 1138."

The man's head tilted, "I wasn't notified. I'll have to clear it."

He wave of his fingers. As he did that, Harmony unhooked Chewbacca binders. The officer went to the phone, two other men from the corner, walked closer to the four and had their blasters at the ready. They came closer and Chewbacca threw his arm, slamming them to the ground.

"Look out!" Harmony yelled.

Han shouted, "He's loose!"

Red lights scattered everywhere as the others tried to shoot Chewbacca.

"He'll tear us apart!" Luke screamed as he pulled out his blaster.

Harmony took her out her gun and started to shoot, "I'll get him!"

She didn't get the freed Wookiee but she got the head officer before he could shoot. Blasters shouted as the Solo siblings shot at the officers. Luke and Chewbacca, however, shot at all the cameras. Smoke was in the sky. Harmony could barely even see through the helmet, now she had to shoot through smoke.

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