0.05 Not Such a Moon

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0.05 Not Such a Moon

"What?" Luke asked, "How?"

Questions were going through Harmony's head. This was the first time she had agreed with Luke. He was right, how? They had just passed the system a few days earlier. It was impossible.

"Destroyed by the Empire," Ben replied.

That made less sense.

Harmony spoke her mind, "That's impossible. No entire starfleet couldn't destroy a whole planet."

"Yeah," Han agreed with his sister, "It would take 1,000 ships with more firepower than-"

Beeping interrupted their discussion. What was wrong now? She thought. "There is another ship coming in," Han exclaimed.

Luke suggested, "Maybe they know what happened."

"It's an imperial fighter," Ben responded. The fighter flew in front of them.

"And I thought we were done," Harmony groaned.

Luke shouted, "It followed us!"

Ben shook her head, "No it's a short-range fighter."

"But there are no bases around here," Harmony told the group.

Han added to his sister, "So where did it come from?"

"I don't know, bro," she rolled her eyes, "You can ask the pilot yourself!"

Luke commented, "It sure is leaving in a big hurry.If they identify us, we're in big trouble!"

"Not if I can help it!" Han yelled.

He looked his side, at Chewbacca, "Chewie! Jam it's transmissions!"

Ben replied, "It'd be as well to let it go. It's too far out of range."

"Not for long," Harmony smirked at the old man.

She had faith in her brother. He was the pilot of the whole galaxy. They got closer to the ship. But in the window, a moon entered in the black sky. It was small for a moon.

Luke said, "Look at him. He's headed for that small moon."

"I think I can get him before he gets there," Han commentated, "He's almost in range."

The moon came closer into view. More details came into view of the moon. A dark circle was on the top which was strange for a moon.

"That's no moon! It's a space station," Ben warned.

Han objected, "It's too big to be a space station."

"I have a very bad feeling about this," Luke whispered to himself.

She muttered, "Yeah, me too, pretty boy."

"You're both right," Han nodded, "Full reverse! Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power!"

The Falcon shuddered as they went closer to the fake moon.

Luke asked, "Why are we still moving towards it?"

"We're caught in a tractor beam!" Han shouted, "It's pulling us in!"

"Han! You gotta do something!" Harmony screamed.

"There's nothin' I can do about it, Har. I'm in full power," Han looked to his sister before turning back to the window, "I'm going to have to shut down."

Harmony grinned, "But they're not going to get us without a fight!"

Ben pulled his hand on Harmony's shoulder. She looked at the old man, "We can't win but there are alternatives to fighting." 

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