1.09 The Plan of Attack

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1.09 The Plan of Attack

The Falcon flew from Tatooine. Harmony stood in the cockpit. All the chairs were taken. Her brother's vision finally came back. The first thing he did was look at her. Not his love, Leia or his longtime friend, Lando but her, his sister. He played with her hair and commented on she hasn't grown one inch since he was frozen. She laughed in response. Another ship followed behind them. It was Luke. He was going to visit Yoda. Luke asked if she wanted to go but Harmony didn't want to go back. She told him to say hi to Yoda for her. Over the speaker of the Falcon, she heard Luke's voice say, "I'll meet you back at the fleet."

"Hurry," Leia replied, "The Alliance should be assembled by now."

He said, "I will."

"Hey, Luke, thanks," Han blurted out something she never heard Han say. Thank you. Whenever she did something for him, he didn't say the two words. She hoped that Luke was proud to hear those words from Han.

"Thanks for coming after me. I owe you one."

"Both of us," Harmony smiled as she spoke.

She could hear Luke on the other end give a small chuckle. Soon, the laugh stopped midway as he turned off his microphone. She sighed, hoping that Luke would fly safely. Of course he would, she reassured herself, he was the best pilot in the galaxy, besides Han. He blew up the Death Star and survived. Why was she worrying about him, flying to Dagobah? She didn't know. Harmony let the unknown feeling go.

"So what did you do while I was gone?" Han stood up from his seat and stood next to his sister.

Harmony said, "Nothing much. Practice shooting. Chewie and I fixed up the ship while you were gone."

She noticed that her brother wasn't listening, staring at Leia. Harmony smirked, "And I became a Jedi."

"Wait what?" Han turned his head back to her and screamed.

"Now you're listening," she laughed, "You actually think I would become one? The carbonite must have done something to your brain."

He messed up Harmony's hair. They both laughed it off.

The Falcon flew for an hour before it approached an army of ships, being lead by a large one. They were the Rebellion ships. Harmony stared at them in amazement. Lando and Han docked the Falcon. After they landed, they were told to go to the main room of the ship. They followed the huge group of rebels to the meeting area. The room was painted all white and seats were circled around the center. Rebels sat around. When Harmony walked in, she heard a voice shout her name. She looked across the room to see a familiar face. Standing up was Kes Dameron. On the rebel base, back on Hoth, she met Kes and his wife, Shara. They were in love and made Harmony a little jealous. She never really loved someone in that way. Harmony loved her brother and Chewbacca as a family but she never loved someone like the Damerons loved each other.

She smiled as she walked up to him, "Hey, Dameron! Long time no see!"

"Same to you, Solo," he replied, "How have you been?"

"Good. How about you?"

"Nothing exciting," he shrugged, "Shara had a baby, I have been-"

"Wait," she stopped him, "You have a baby?"

Kes smirked and nodded, "Yes, his name is Poe."

"How old is he?"


"I'm really happy for you, Dameron," she nodded.

He smiled, "Thanks."

Then there was a chime. It told the rebels to sit down and get quiet. On the second bell, Harmony waved bye to Kes as she walked over where her brother sat. By the last chime, she was sitting next to Leia. Mon Mothma stepped forward. Her red hair was fading a little. She wore a flowing, white dress. Mon stood in front of a circle, "The Emperor's made a critical error and the time for our attack has come. The data brought to us by the Bothan spies pinpoint the exact location of the Emperor's new battle station."

A blue and green hologram sphere appeared in front of her. A red sphere circled around it.

She continued, "We also know that the weapon systems of this Death Star are not yet operational."

"Really? Another Death Star?" Harmony whispered to herself, "Don't they learn from their mistakes?"

Mon said, "With the Imperial fleet spread throughout the galaxy in a vain effort to engage us. It is relatively unprotected but most important of all, we've learned that the Emperor himself is personally overseeing the final stages of the construction of this Death Star. Many Bothans died to bring us this information."

Harmony looked down to the ground. They died because they wanted freedom from the Empire. They wanted future generations, not to be ruled by evil.

"Admiral Ackbar, please," Mon let Ackbar tell the plan. The fish creature took her place.

He explained, "You can see here the Death Star, orbiting the forest moon of Endor. Although the weapon systems on this Death Star are not yet operational, the Death Star does have a strong defense mechanism. It is protected by an energy shield which is generated from the nearby forest moon of Endor. The shield must be deactivated if any attack is to be attempted."

The green and blue sphere disappeared and the red sphere, representing the new Death Star grew bigger. Yellow spots were around it.

Ackbar said, "Once the shield is down, our cruisers will create a perimeter while the fighters fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the main reactor."

The holograms visually explained the Rebellion's plan. Ackbar told, "General Calrissian has volunteered to lead the fighter attack."

Han looked to Lando, "Good luck."

"You're going to need it," Harmony spoke to Lando.

"General Madine," Ackbar introduced a man with dark blonde hair and a beard.

Ackbar switched places with Madine and General Madine started to speak, "We have stolen a small Imperial shuttle, disguised as a cargo ship and using a secret Imperial code, a strike team will land on the moon and deactivate the shield generator."

C3PO said, "Sounds dangerous."

Leia crossed her arms and muttered to the Solo siblings, "I wonder who they found to pull that off."

Harmony nodded, "I wonder too."

"General Solo, is your strike team assembled?" General Madine asked, looking at Han.

Leia and Harmony turned to look at Han, surprised. He replied, "Uh, my team's ready but I don't have a command crew for the shuttle."

Chewbacca raised his paw up and growled in response. Han patted Chewbacca's fur, "It's going to be rough, pal. I didn't wanna speak for you."

The Wookiee nodded his head, still wanting to go. Han smiled to General Maine, "That's one."

Harmony jokely shrugged, "I guess I have to be dragged along too."

He laughed at his sister while Leia shouted, "General, count me in!"

Then suddenly a loud voice was heard, yelling, "I'm with you, too." Everyone turned their heads to find Luke, walking down the stairs with R2 behind.

"Look! Pretty Boy is back!" Harmony stood up and beamed.

"Long time, no see," Luke smirked back at her.

He walked passed her to Leia. They shared a hug before Luke pulled away. Leia asked, "What is it?"

Luke replied, "Ask me again sometime."

"Luke," Han exclaimed.

"Hi, Han," he smiled, "Chewie,"

Chewbacca growled. Harmony smirked, "Well sorry to interrupt the reunion, but we have a shield to deactivate."

Word Count: 1252

As you guys can see, there was a little thing from the Force Awakens in this chapter. Yes and I researched that Poe's parents were in the Rebellion and Poe was two during the battle of Endor. I would love to see baby Poe. Thank you guys for reading the chapter and I hoped you liked it.

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