1.08 Seeing Han

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1.08 Seeing Han 

Water almost came out of Harmony's eyes. This time she wasn't crying over her brother being frozen. She was on the verge of tears of seeing him. It was the first time she had seen him in a year. She never left his side that long. When she shouted his name, he looked around. Even though he didn't face her, he smiled when he heard her voice That was what made her cry. She just needed to see him smile and that he was okay to make her almost breakdown. Almost. Harmony wanted to be free of her cuffs, not only to punch the guards, in the face but to hug her brother.

"Are you alright?" Luke asked.

"Fine," Han replied, "Together again, huh?"

"Wouldn't miss it," Harmony smirked as the guards made them walk forward by pushing them.

Han questioned, "How are we doing?"

"Same as always," Luke said.

"That bad, huh?" Han spoke as the guards stopped the trio in the light with Chewbacca behind them. They stood in front of Jabba's throne. "Where's Leia?" Han looked around. Harmony thought to herself, are you blind or something? Then it struck her. He was blind. The carbonation must have affected his eyesight. She hoped that it wasn't permanent.

"I'm here!" She shouted.

Jabba yelled in Huttese. It was time for C3PO to translate what his new master was saying.

"Oh dear," he spoke, "His high exaltedness, the great Jabba the Hutt has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately."

"Good," Harmony heard her brother reply, "I hate long waits."

The Kowakian monkey-lizard, sitting on Jabba and next to Leia gave a huge chuckle. C3PO continue, telling Jabba's plan to kill them, "You will therefore be taken the Dune Sea and cast into the pit of Carkoon. The nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlacc."

"Doesn't seem so bad," Han responded.

"In his belly," C3PO informed, "You will find a new definition of pain and suffering, as you are slowly digested over 1,000 years."

Chewbacca roared as Harmony turned to Han. She smirked, "Better rethink that, Han."

Luke didn't show any fear. He said, "You should have bargained."

Jabba replied, speaking his native language. "That's the last mistake you'll ever make," Luke grinned as him, Han and Chewbacca were pushed by guards out of the palace but they didn't move Harmony. She looked around, questioning why no one moved her. Harmony laughed, "What? Do you have a soft spot for me or something?"

Jabba chuckled back before saying something in Huttese but Harmony didn't need a translation from C3PO. She didn't want to admit that he said, take her to the dressing room.

Harmony thought the only uncomfortable outfit she would ever wear was the long, white dress she had to wear four years ago to the medal ceremony but thinking to herself now, that dress was the most comfortable thing ever, compared to the metal bikini she was wearing. She would rather be on the small ship that she was looking out at, with Han, Luke and Chewbacca, heading towards their death. Harmony hated being chained up, with Jabba controlling her. She didn't want to be his slave girl that he would get rid of if she disobeyed him. Leia stood next to her, also chained to the monster. Then, both of the girls felt pain on their necks as Jabba pulled on their chains to come back to him. They were on his fat belly and Bib Fortuna pushed them closer to his mouth. Jabba spoke.

Soon you will learn to appreciate me.

"Yeah, sure," Harmony replied, "Maybe if you get a new smell or a new face."

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