2.02 For Dinner

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2.02 For Dinner

Harmony never thought she would be tangled up in rope again. She had to admit that she would rather be hung up in the net again than tied up against a log. She swung side to side, as the creatures carried the rebels through the forest, into their homes. To Harmony, it seemed like the creatures were celebrating as they hung Harmony and the other over rocks in a main hut. She was next to Han.

Han mumbled, "I have a bad feeling about this."

"Couldn't have agreed with you more," Harmony turned her head to the side.

C3PO sat on a throne, being treated like a king unlike his friends. He began talking to what Harmony guessed was the leader of the creatures.

"Hey, C3PO," Harmony shouted, "Would you like to inform us on what he just said?"

The droid replied, "I'm rather embarrassed, Ms. Solo, but it appears you are to be the
main course at a banquet in my honor."

Drums started to play as the creatures banged against them. Wood was started to be placed under her. Whispers and gasps erupted the room. Harmony looked to her left to see Leia. Her hair for the first time was not in a braid or buns. It was down. Her hair was long and lighter, than Harmony's. Luke was the first to blurt out her name then Han was second. As Leia walked towards them, the fur creatures pulled out their spears.

C3PO greeted her, "Your Royal Highness."

She sighed, "But these are my friends! C3PO, tell they must be set free!"

Chewbacca gave a growl, pulling on his rope. C3PO tapped the leader on his shoulder before speaking to him in their language. Once he finished speaking, the creatures continued to put wood for the fire.

Han groaned, "Somehow, I got the feeling that didn't help us very much."

Harmony rolled her eyes, watching as more wood was placed under her.

Luke said, "C3PO, tell them if they don't do as you wish, you'll become angry
and use your magic."

"But Master Luke, what magic? I couldn't possibly-"

"Just tell them"

As C3PO repeated what Luke said, Harmony turned her head and asked the young Jedi, "Magic? That's the best you got?"

She thought to herself, the air here must have gotten to Luke's head.

"Trust me," Luke replied to her.

Harmony responded back, "No offense, Skywalker, but the last time we trusted you, you got us stuck here."

There was loud bang of silence. C3PO told them about his magic. When he said, "Boom!" Whispers started but the boom didn't scare the creatures. They walked towards the group, not with wood but with fire. C3PO tried to apologize for it not working but it was drawn out by Han, attempting to blow out the fire.

Suddenly, shouts began. Harmony turned her head to see the throne, holding C3PO, floating, flying. Now that scared the creatures and C3PO. They scattered, scared. The droid screamed also, asking for help. Harmony looked at Luke. His eyes were shut. He was doing it.

The creatures rushed to Harmony, untying the rope around her feet and legs. She was relieved when she finally got free. She stood up to see her brother and Leia kiss and C3PO descend back to the ground.

Harmony ran up Han, Luke and Leia, giving them each a hug before she exited out of the hut. She wanted some fresh air and some quiet after almost being burned and eaten alive.

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