0.04 Wookiees: Sore Losers

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0.04 Wookiees: Sore Losers

Harmony laid her head on Chewbacca's hairy arm. It was impossible to rest her head on his shoulder. He was too tall and she was shorter. She looked over at the game that he played with the droids in which she learned their names to be R2-D2 and C3PO. Harmony then looked to Luke, who held a blue lightsaber. A sphere drone flew around, trying to shoot at him. She saw the old man, stand up straight. He looked normal until he suddenly struggled to stand and took a seat. Luke clicked a button and the light disappeared from the staff. He went to his side.

"Are you alright?"

Harmony tilted her head off Chewbacca, "What's wrong, Gramps?"

The man answered, staring at Luke, "I felt a great disturbance in the Force. As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."

He wasn't making any sense to Harmony. Like Han, she didn't believe in the Force. It was just a tall tale parents would tell to their children for bedtime. Like there was a surrounding force that controlled everything in the Galaxy. She didn't think so.

He continued, "I fear something terrible has happened."

He rubbed his forehead before saying to Luke, "You'd better get on with your exercises."

Luke put his arm on the old man's shoulder for a second before following his mentor's directions. He got back in formation and revealed his lightsaber.

"Well, you can forget your troubles with those imperial slugs!"

Han walked out of the cockpit and walked to take a seat next to the old man.

"I told you I'd outrun them," he said.

The drone took a few shots at Luke. He blocked them off, barely.

He spoke in his classic, sarcastic, tone, "Don't let everybody thank me at once."

Harmony stood up and walked to the side of Han and the old man. She leaned against desk Han sat at. Her eyes watched Luke, waiting for the drone to shoot.

Han informed the passengers, "Anyway, we should be at Alderaan about 0200 hours."

Finally. She breathed. Soon it will be just me, Han and Chewie again.

Her eyes darted towards the Drones vs. Chewbacca battle. R2-D2 moved one of his monsters forward. Chewbacca then made his jump forward twice.

C3PO told his friend, "Now be careful, R2."

R2 took his friend's warning and moved his monster to the spot of Chewbacca's. His monster grabbed Chewie's and lifted it up. Then pounded it to the gameboard. Chewbacca gave a roar after his monster died.

"He made a fair move," said C3PO, "Screaming about it can't help you."

Hamony knew the danger of angering a Wookiee. Immediate death or pain. A lot of pain.

She warned the droid, "Let him have it, It's not wise to upset a Wookiee."

"But, ma'am, nobody worries about upsetting a droid."

Han commented, "That's cause a droid don't pull people's arms out of their sockets when they lose."

Harmony smirked at the droid, "Wookiees are known to do that."

Chewbacca pulled his arms around his head. He was showing off and gave a slight growl.

"I see your points," he said to the siblings then he told R2, "I suggest a new strategy, R2. Let the Wookiee win."

Chewbacca barked in agreement. Then everyone focused on Luke, who was waiting for the drone to take shots at him. He blocked one. The young boy was determined to block every shot.

"Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him," the old man observed.

Luke replied back, "You mean it controls your actions?"

"Partially, but it also obeys your commands."

The drone was getting faster but Luke wasn't. It shot a laser and aimed for his butt. The drone succeed. He let out a yelp before the Solo siblings started to laugh at his failure.

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side," Harmony spoke, "Han taught me that."

Luke made the lightsaber disappear and questioned Han and Harmony, "You both don't believe in the Force, do you?"

"Kid, we've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other," Han answered, "We've seen a lot of strange stuff but we've never seen anything to make us believe there's one all-powerful force controlling everything."

Harmony joined in, "There's no mystical energy field controlling my destiny or Han's."

"It's all a lot of simple trick and nonsense," Han stated.

The old man stood, not struggle anymore to stand. He took a helmet from a hanger.

"I suggest you try it again, Luke," he said, walking over and putting it over his student's head, "This time, let go your conscious self and act on instinct."

Luke replied, "With the blast shield down, I can't even see."

Harmony gave a thumbs up, "Thank you for the obvious, pretty boy."

He ignored her remark and asked one more question, "How am I supposed to fight?"

"Your eyes can deceive you," the old man responded, "Don't trust them."

Luke revealed the lightsaber again. He moved it as the drone moved. The drone  took a shot and succeeded once again. Harmony gave a slight chuckle while the old man taught.

"Search your feelings."

He took a breath before returning to defending himself. It took a few seconds before the drone took three shots. Luke blocked all of them.

"You see?" the old man smiled, "You can do it!"

"I call it luck," Han replied in which his sister nodded in agreement.

Luke took off his helmet to hear his comment.

The old man turned his head to face the siblings, "In my experience, there's no such thing as luck."

"Look good against remotes is one thing," Han smirked, "Good against the living, that's something else."

A beeping interrupted the conversation before it could go any farther. 

"Looks like we're coming up on Alderaan," Han said as he got out of his seat.

Harmony followed him to cockpit and stood behind his seat there. Chewbacca took the next seat over. The ship shook and Harmony held onto the backs of the pilots' chairs.

"What the-" she asked.

Chewbacca joined in, growling.

"We've come out of hyperspace into a meteor shower," Han answered his sister, "Some kind of asteroid collision."

Han said, "It's not on any of the charts."

Harmony started to question, "What's not on the charts-"

"What's going on?" Luke barged in with the old man.

Han responded, "Our position is correct expect no Alderaan."

"What do you mean, 'there is no Alderaan?" Harmony asked.

"That's what I'm telling you," Han replied to her, "It's been totally blown away."

Word Count: 1114

Wow. I'm writing this 1:23. Thank you Return of the Jedi for motivating me. And you guys too! I'm glad you guys are commenting and enjoying it. I just realized today is exactly a week from the Force Awakens! YES!

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