1.03 Harmony and Luke's Conversation

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1.03 Harmony and Luke's Conversation

Harmony laid her head against the bark of a tree. Chewbacca's shoulder was more comfortable. She missed him. Harmony missed Han. She sighed while she looked at the fog.

"Are you okay?" A shout from the ground made her look down.

There was Luke. He stared back at her, on the tree's branch.

She lied, "Yeah, why do you ask?"

"I can feel you're sad," he replied.

She shrugged, "I guess I miss Han. I'm use to having him around."

Luke, nodded, meaning he understood. The system was silent for a moment. Luke turned around to walk back to Yoda.

"Hey, Pretty Boy," she screamed at him with smirk, "Forget about that dumb training. Hang out with me up here."

He rolled his eyes but accepted her request. Luke climbed up the branches and responded to her, "It isn't stupid."

"Oh yeah sure," she rolled her eyes back at him while she scooched over to make space for him on the branch, "The Force is just a dumb myth that old men in robes believe in."

"But I'm not a old man in a robe," Luke said.

"Not yet," she grinned.

He chuckled at her comment. She smiled back, proudly for making the Skywalker laugh. Chirps sang as the two waited for someone to continue the conversation.

"Everyone grows old, Pretty Boy," Harmony spoke, "Expect if Jedis are supposedly immortal."

He gave a laugh again.

Harmony smirked, "I get it from Han."

"I can see," he replied.

She looked down to the ground. The leaves covered it. Harmony didn't see Luke's eyes on her. He focused on her. She looked at him.

She questioned him while she felt her face for anything unusual or wrong."What? Do I have something-"

"No!" He quickly responded.

"Then what's wrong?"


Harmony scoffed, "Wow. Smooth, Skywalker."

"Hey," he smirked, "That's closer to my name. It's a start."

Harmony rolled her eyes at his comment. The only time she called him Luke was twice and that was last night. She was tired and had a bad nightmare. Harmony wasn't going to say his real name anymore times.

"Well I'm not going to get any closer to it," she formed her mouth into a smirk.

"It is easy," he talked, "L-U-K-E"

She repeated, "L-U-K-E"

"Now say all the letters together."

"Luk-Pretty Boy," she grinned.

He rolled his eyes at her once more. She laughed after his motion.

"You're never gonna stop, aren't you?"

"How could I?"

Her legs swung back and forth. She looked at the other trees. Luke followed her eyes.

"Practice, we shall!" a scream came from the ground.

Harmony recognized the person calling with the terrible grammar he used. Both, Luke and her, looked down to find the Jedi master, Yoda. He was looked like ant from the high view. Luke started to climb down the huge tree. It took him awhile to get down and Harmony watched every second. She would do anything to entertain herself. Nothing happened on Dagobah. R2 rolled in front of the tree. He beeped. Even though she found C3PO annoying, she wished he was here. Just for the translation of his best friend. She smiled back, lying about understand what he was saying. Harmony guessed that he was telling her to get down. She decided she should listen to her imaginary R2 voice in her head. It took her longer to climb down than Luke because he had more practice. He was climbing with Yoda on his back. As she did that, R2 rolled in the swamp lake. She heard Yoda's voice while she walked closer. Harmony found it weird when Luke gave Yoda a ride on his back but this sight was strangerer. Luke was doing a handstand with the small Jedi master on his right foot.

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