1.06 The Nightmare

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1.06 The Nightmare

It had been a year. It had been a year since Harmony had seen her brother's face. It had been a year since she talked to him. She wasn't sure that Luke's plan was going to work. Ever since Cloud City, Luke changed. He now wore black and focused on his Jedi training.

Han's freezing impacted the group of friends. They knew that Harmony took it harder than anyone else. She had never left Han's side until the past year.

But now, a year later, she was ready to get him back to her side.

Harmony sat, by herself, thinking about what was going to happen tomorrow. The plan was already setting off. The droids were already at Jabba's palace which explained the silence with no C3PO around, babbling his mouth. Leia brought Chewbacca to the palace, disguised as a bounty hunter and Lando was undercover as a guard but tomorrow, her and Luke were going to join them. Han was free from the carbonite but he and everyone else was trapped in the prison. Harmony laid in her bed, continuing to think. She didn't want to close her eyes. She didn't want to experience another nightmare, especially alone with Luke. Her screams were loud but the walls of her room were strong and held them in. Also most people were asleep when she slept or they were out. She was glad. She didn't want anyone to look down onto her, to pity her. Harmony was fine but that was what she wanted to believe. She decided to finally close her eyes but images flashed. Death. That was what she saw. She couldn't explain it. Harmony saw her friends, more like family, screaming or their bodies laying on the ground.

"Stop! Stop!" She screeched.

Harmony pounded her head with her hands, "This is just a dumb dream! Don't believe it, Harmony!"

But the dream didn't stop there. Blood scattered the landscape, ruining the beautiful flowers. It was always this setting. It was always so bright. It was deceiving. She knew what was going to come next, the darkness. More flashes of horror entered Harmony's mind. She fell to the ground, with her hands still against her ears, blocking the shouts. Then the screams stopped and she released her hands. She breathed heavily and noticed a river. It wasn't water, it was blood. More red liquid. Harmony was feeling nauseous. She stood up and slowly followed the stream. It lead to Luke and his eyes wide open. His black suit was cut up to reveal his skin and also his blood.

"Luke!" She screamed.

No air came out of his mouth. Nothing moved. His eyes, his stomach. Nothing.

"Luke!" Harmony cried.

That's all she could scream. His real name. Not Pretty Boy or his last name, Skywalker. His first name, that she has rarely called him. Then, she suddenly started to shake. The ground wasn't vibrating. It was her. Soon, everything around her disappeared and she came to back her room but something was different. An arms were around her. Someone was holding her. She looked up to find Luke, staring down at her. Harmony shook, struggling to get out of his arms. She didn't want to be comforted. She was older, wiser and she wasn't the same girl that he met those years ago. Harmony got off her bed and out of his comforting.

"I was feeling sick," she lied, "I was shouting your name to see-"

Luke interrupted, "How long have you been-"

"Pretty Boy, I don't know-"

"Harmony, stop lying," he stated as he got up from the bed and stood in front of her, "And tell me the truth. When did you start having the nightmares?"

She was silent. No words escaped her mouth. Harmony didn't want to answer. She didn't want him to think less of her.

Luke repeated, "How long?"

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