1.01 Jedi Master Yoda

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1.01 Jedi Master Yoda

"So you are saying to me, that we are on a swamp planet and stuck here because you were told to by a vision of a dead man to find a Jedi master that is probably dead? Yeah that makes total sense!"

Harmony complained as her and Luke stood up on his half-sunken X-Wing. He and her were grabbing supplies from the cockpit.

"How about you sleeping for the entire Hoth battle?" He smirked as he strapped a bag to his shoulder.

She rolled her eyes while he handed her a box to carry, "First of all, this ship wasn't in the battle. It was in the base. Not a lot of action was going on. Second, thanks to you and Han, I didn't get my beauty sleep."

They walked off the ship and towards their hideout, hidden by trees. The area stood R2 and piles of boxes. Harmony and Luke sat the rest of the luggage down.

"Ready for some power?" Luke asked the droid.

R2 beeped back. Harmony sat on a box. She watched Luke plug in R2 to the charger. The light of the charger lit up the dark and gloomy swamp. Luke stood up. He clapped his hands together as he said, "Now all I gotta do is find this Yoda-"

"Who is probably dead," Harmony blurted out.

Luke turned to Harmony and gave a stare. She was use to it. Han usually gave it to her.

Wait! Han! she thought. He didn't know where she was or even if she was alive. Then she started to wonder if he was alive. If him or Leia were safe. They swirled through her head.

"It's really a strange place to find a Jedi master," Luke broke her thoughts.

Harmony said, "It's strange to search for a Jedi anyway. They probably don't even exist."

"How do you know?" Luke asked.

She answered, "I might be rusty on my knowledge but didn't all of them die during the Clone Wars?"

"You know about the Clone Wars?" Luke questioned more.

She nodded, "Chewbacca told me about them for bedtime stories. Yeah telling stories about wars soothes a young girl."

"Do you remember any of the stories?"

"No, he told them a long time ago."


He sounded disappointed. Harmony felt sorry that she didn't know the answers that Luke was looking for. She glanced around her surroundings, "This place gives me the creeps."

Luke took a bite of his food bar before saying, "But there's something familiar about this place."

She stared around more, "What? Did you go on vacation here or something?" 

He ignored her comment as R2 beeped. Luke spoke, "I don't know. I feel like-"

"Like what, Pretty Boy?" Harmony responded.

But as she said that, another voice reflected hers. It was old and raspy. Both her and Luke turned around. He held up his gun to the shadow. She would but then she remembered that she left her gun on the base.

"Like we're being watched," Luke finished his sentence.

R2 beeped like crazy as the figure replied, "Away put your weapon! I mean you no harm!"

"Yeah, sure," Harmony rolled her eyes.

"I am wondering...why are you here?" It asked.

"I'm looking for someone," Luke replied, slowly putting away his weapon.

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