we got a lot of history chapter 1

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My name is Harry Styles I have a great life going but I don't have much of a love life right now but my life is great I'm one of the top history professors around I teach at Oxford University and I got to say I love it there. My best friend since grade school also teaches there is also my neighbor which I'm thankful for we both we both went looking for houses the same time when we got paid very high for the first time and we found this nice little neighborhood so we both got beautiful houses in it I love . my neighborhood and very quiet my best friends Name is Zayn Jawaad Malik he's one of the top arts professors around that's right my other best friend is Liam James Payne and he also works at the school he's one of the top English professors around yep he has a beautiful house to on the other side of town along with another friend of ours I don't live too far away but he lives in a flat because well he is not a professor at all he owns his own taxi driver company and he's a taxi driver his name is. Niall James Horan
He makes a very good living at that which is really good anyone have had the property if it wasn't for Liam you see Liam had inherited some property so we sold a lot of it to Niall so he can have a place to start this company and he help Niall set it all up so where all making pretty good living that stuff but sometimes Niall feels like the odd man out because let's face it where are history and English professors and stuff like that and he is taxi driver but we tell him not to worry about it I mean we've been best friends since placenta the four of us and nothing's going to change about that they will lease or not the almonds it when it comes to love life because none of us have anybody right now wait a second let me rephrase that three of us don't because it zayn a girl he's been dating for a while . well time to get ready for another day at Oxford University I just pray and hope that we don't have a lot going on today but I gotta feeling that this day is going to be a little different I wonder why anyway another day another dollar that is need to be made

With that I walked out the door of my house that's a beautiful house by the way big two stories my about 3 bedroom I have a nice back yard with pool outside I have 5 bathroom s one downstairs and each bedroom as one and the one in the upstairs hall my house is brick outside I love bricks and makes for a strong foundation for the house you look so beautiful too on the top that I do have some siding it's a beautiful beige color anyway enough talk about my house time to get going as I was leaving I saw zayn coming out of his

Harry morning mate

Zayn morning mate see you at work

Harry see you there mate

Zayn ya see you there I got a feeling about today

Harry me to but I don't why well I gust we will see went we get there

Zayn ya bye mate

With that thought in mind we both got in are cars and drove to work .I hope everything goes smoothly but there are some days that I just wanted to shake some of my students. Because they are a bit out of hand it funny out four all of them always hang out together and two of them stay calm in class and do their work and the other to go crazy hard to believe that the four of them are best friends well it's a good thing to know that I can always count on Callum and Luke to behave themselves in class but sometimes I wonder about Michael and Ashton oh I just hope the two of them don't cause problems today cuz I have to give a history exam I thought to myself all the way to Oxford

Louis pov

My name is louis Tomlinson and I just moved here from Doncaster I just hope everything goes ok here I'm transferring from another university back home to Oxford University but I'm not transferring as a student transferring after secretary because I am one of the top secretary of us there Oxford secretary just retired so now they hired me and I'm going to be getting a lot more money than I have before which is good now I can feel free not have to worry about my family always being down my neck don't get me wrong I love them and everything the list sisters are already trying to fix me up with some girl or some guy so yeah that's right I forgot to mention I'm bisexual anyway now that I just moved here I hope I can find this nice little place to stay but for now I'm staying in a motel hopefully I look at a house for a flat sound just until I can work out my living arrangements.

As I drove up to Oxford University I had a lot of nerves going on into my system I mean this is one of the best schools out there to be working at and it's a privilege I just hope and pray that I won't f****** it up as I was getting out of my car I saw this guy pulled up in his car he's quite tall quite fit why am I thinking about all of a sudden I see him get out and he was carrying a briefcase now he was getting ready to walk into the university I heard some of the students greet him I think they called him professors styles I wonder what he teaches and I hope I get a chance to find out more about them what am I thinking just met the guy Louie will actually texting you didn't meet the guy had you define the parking lot. So what are these feelings I'm having I have a feeling this day is going to be kind of strange but why lol off to work I go

As I was walking through the corridor I fell and bumped into someone I felt so embarrassed but least the person handed me their hand and asked me if I was alright

Person here let me help you up sorry about that I was in a bit of a hurry trying to find my way to go to the connects classroom that I have to go to usually I teach my own room but my classroom is going on our reservations so I'm just trying to find the spare room I can use today oh sorry I forgot to give myself I'm professor Liam Payne I teach English around here anyway in my ask you are because you seem to be new in town

Louis I'm louis Tomlinson and I'm the new secretary I was just getting ready to walk down to the office to get ready for the day sorry about bumping into you I think I wasn't watching where I was going also I gotta feeling that today is going to be equated wonderful quite strange day you know when is your first day don't know how to feel that feel like it again going to the principal's office still sore its my first day guys first day jitters

Liam yes I can tell a lot of people have a lot of jitters when they come to Oxford as students or when they come to Oxford anyway if you're looking for the office that's just down the hall to your left oh and if you're looking for someone to show you are around later me and my friends can do that so you can learn your way around here welcome to the staff and welcome to Oxford

Louis well thank you

Liam well are you up doing anything after work because if not you can hang out with me and my friends because that way you can learn more about this town and stuff just trying to be the light you know show you around because it looks like you don't know your way around here from the way your talking

Louis that would be nice but first I need to find an apartment or something I'm staying at a motel for now like I said I only moved here about a week ago because of this job and you know sometimes when you move to a new place kinda hard to find just where you're going to stay

Liam well I do have a great big house and I do live alone if you want I can write you one of my rooms and my house and you could be my roommate and I can also be your landlord on top of that because right now there's a lot of short at some flats and like you said you just moved here I might take you awhile to find a house that you like in the side you got to wait to you get a good paycheck for that

Louis great I'll take you up on that offer thanks because I really don't like staying in a hotel or motel I tell you because you hear some weird noises in those places like I said just trying to start a new life here don't get me wrong I love my family is everything back home but sometimes you just want to get away from it all and stand on your own two feet plus I've had some bad relationships back there that I want to forget about you know just pushing forward

Liam yes I know what you talking about I mean I just got dumped by my girlfriend anyway like I said we'll get back to talking later the office is down that way so you have a good day Louis

Louis you to liam see you later at lunch so you and your friends can show me around

Liam ya see you

Harry pov

Has I was walking down the hallway on my way to my class I couldn't stop thinking about the new guy I thought was getting out of his car he looks pretty good wonder what he's doing here to be the new secretary I guess cuz we needed a new ones considering our secretary retired last year she was sweet .I must say that guys was cute how to mention earlier but I'm also bisexual so yeah that's where my love life is not going so great these days because I haven't found the right girl with the right guy anyway like I said when I can't I get him out of the head when I only seen him in the parking lot. Anyway time to go in and teach a bunch of misfits some of them are not misfits thats just what I'm talking about the ones that get out of hand I might see if they can pass the History exam today because history is a very important topic

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