we've got a hole lot of history chapter30

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Louis pov

We walked hand and hand back to Harry car when we got there we drove back to the University we entered the building and Harry like me to the office like always me to be careful doing my work because he knew I wasn't feeling too good for lunch I told him I be OK and he kiss my cheek and went to teach his next class because I knew he had to be there because he had guest speakers for his classes this afternoon and it was the same thing Liam i in the English department so I had to get papers may for the lectures on that that was going on this afternoon so I also have to get everything ready for the new stuff to need to prove for the university to get money he's definite going to be a long day I thought to myself I ran to the bathroom and threw out my cookies couldn't give it all down anyway to bed at lunch it is so hard carrying quadruplets just then Vivian has a little bathroom door in the office and see if I was doing okay

Vivian you doing alright in there you don't sound too good

Louis really funny just over ate that during the lunch hour

Vivian I see you need a lot when we were at lunch I mean me and the girls can delete them what you put away that than we thought about it you were carrying quadruplets you couldn't believe how much you were putting away but then we saw that you had a valid reason but Niall on the other hand we don't know where he puts it

Louis human garbage disposal that boy anyway I'm feeling much better now that I got some of that I was but what I do they have stuff I was craving I had no choice sometimes I wonder how do women do it when they get pregnant I mean, is not an easy feat

Vivian you're right about that me anyway let's get this work done anything have any left at this let me know

Louis thanks mate must go back to doing the work as one of the to do I've noticed something though you're not so chatterbox lately are you alright

Vivian I'm not sure. I think I may be pregnant well but I don't know how to talk to Ed about it

Louis well come on let's get you a test to see if you are first then you go take it and if you are then talk to him about it

Vivian I guess you're right that would be probably the first step and yes I'm late and that was kind of scary and I don't know what to do about it and I mean I don't know I have my mother to turn to anybody like that mean my mother passed away when I was really small my father is in jail so I don't really have any family I can count on you know what I mean my brother is in jail as well yes my grandparents are too old to take care of any of us so we ended up in foster care in the orphanages let's just say we didn't have a very good life after her mother passed away with her father

Louis well I didn't know that much about you anybody else you told that story

Vivian to no believe it or not professor Malik knows about it because he was one of my foster parents on the end of things he was my last lost a parent and I stayed with him until I was old enough to be on my own and he was the best foster home I was in

Louis by the sounds of things zayn as help a lot of people at his young age

Vivian well he was in one and he been there so he what to help other people who was in his shoes and stuff enemy this type of thinking affected two waves you could turn out to be good and help people on everything or you could take the wrong path but he choose to take the right path and I choose to take the right path as well he's a very good role models I'm sure when him and Hayden get married and have their own kids they want to write for wrong

Louis you're definitely right about that anyway let's get you to take that test to find out because you really need to know what's going on with you I mean your only one 20

Vivian I am 20 years difference between me and Ed he 7 years older but I been with guys older and that was not by choice there was way more to it if you ask me about it

Louis wow you did have it hard as a kid with your day

Vivian yes I did haven't heard crying and stuff but other than that everything change when I went into foster care systems company send you it wasn't getting hurt and when I was put on under Zayn's care what is the only time I really felt safe and actually felt like I had a real father you know what I mean because he treated me as if I wasn't on daughter

Zayn walks in to the office and I still think of you like that that how I care for all the foster kids I had and when they leave I tell them if they needed anything I'm her for them because I come to love them if they are my own kids which is a good think because they needed so one to care for them so if you need anything Vivian you know you still coming to me

Vivian I know that dad zee

Louis dad zee?

Zayn when she was my foster kid she would call me that

Louis now I get it

Zayn ya I just came to ask you guys if you can photocopy these papers for my class next week

Louis sure we will take care of that for you

Zayn thanks

and with that he left

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