we've got a hold lot of history chapter 18

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Louis pov

We woke up after a nap because we where both tired from work early so we just lay here for a while because of response so tired from the long two days of work that we had and even though we're just sitting here in bed cuddled up I haven't felt more safe than I have in a long time yep moving here was definitely the best decision of my life because now I know where I should be move in closer to get more comfortable

Harry just tell someone's awake by the way he's moving there did you have a good nap I know I did after that long day at work we had I don't know how you kept up with everybody today with all those things yet to make I'm glad that you doing that cutie a break from Vivian being such a chatterbox to

Louis yeah don't get me wrong she's a good friend and everything for at work and stuff and all she goes on to that is the C Mon C Mon stuff like a one of your friends have it. I mean come on I don't think I need to be hearing about that time of the month that time of the month but I'm a guy

Harry she thinks that you're gay or bisexual that you will handle more talk about women being pregnant where women being periods and stuff like that jeez she's kinda understand maybe gay or bisexual but you're still a man and she's going to treat you like a shopping buddy and everything and I know what she's like I have a friend that's gay that hangs out with her all the time and drives me bananas

Louis yeah that reminds me I should check in with my mother but works been like crazy so I think I'll check them out there just to see how she is doing

Harry actually that would be a good idea because you know she probably misses you and maybe your sisters and brothers Missy or whatever happens brothers or sisters I don't know you have both work he just got one of the other

Louis I must have sisters but I do have a baby brother they love me like crazy and everything which I love the fact that I go sip on the stuff my family is great I'm going to just everything else is going on in Doncaster I need to get away from you know I'm saying like I told you before and other things I don't want to keep reliving I just want to push forward

Harry which we are baby when we did a nice hot shower together considering the we have all day tomorrow off I mean we took a bit of a nap for about 3 hours when I got home from work and I know we are you went out for dinner and stuff but I am hungry again so how about we were pizza and then we can watch some more movies on Netflix or we could have a little fun in the bed your choice

Louis well if we're going to have a shower and things together I think I'm going to have a little fun in that too with you like you did the other night but I am going to lower my screaming because like you said before we gotta watch out for the neighbors

Harry you know if this keeps up I might just have to soundproof the bedroom because damn you're good you know I haven't really same with anybody in 3 years so I'm so glad that I found you I'm not the type of guy that is jump into a relationship you know what I'm saying I've got to be for the right reasons and I can actually as hell this is just what we need like I said before I know you're looking for the right reasons

Louis ya your right about that and I guess we should stop being so repetitive about things but we can't help it is that so I thought we were actually mean when it comes to being together anyway let's just get ready and have a shower

Just is as I had said that my phone rang and I don't know why I went off but there's a reason because of it and I'm really curious to why

Louis hello

Jay Luis I'm sorry to bother you right now but there's a reason why I had to call you answer about your real father I know you and him don't get along that often but you should know that he was in a car wreck he's in the hospital just thought you needed to know but other than that things are going great here

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