we've got a lot of history chapter 25

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Louis pov

Well I woke up and ran to the bathroom because I have bab morning sickness that is driving me crazy and right now I can't stop tossing my cooks it real hard to keep things down I don't know how women go through being pregnant for 9 months .because it not easy at all the next thing I feel are to strong arms around me

Harry baby you feeling any better now because you been tossing your cookies alot

Louis it really hard to keep things down and it makes me sick that I can't because I wish I could

Harry baby you will keep it down if I give you something for the morning sickness the gave me for you and he gave some to Liam for you when you've home with him because I know you are not ready to move in with me yet but when the baby comes I want to live together and hope one day we can get married because I love you so much

Louis I would love that because we are going to have a baby and we do love each other so why not when the baby comes I'll move in

Harry good that will give me time to get the baby room and everything done before the baby comes

Louis that good and you can set it up for me to put my things in your place all together

Harry good idea baby because right now it okay where it just me but I hope that I can make the way you want when you move in after all I do have a big house baby

Louis I know we will work on it together when the time comes baby I just wanted this morning sickness to go down it killing me

Harry well now that you just took some thing for it lets get you back to bed baby because we both need some sleep tonight because we had alot of work this week and it took alot out of us and you really need your rest baby where you are peg

Louis yeah I guess you're right let's go to sleep cuz if not I'm going to pass right out here now this morning sickness is a f****** b**** and I just really need to sleep so come on

Harry well I'm right behind you because you seem to need it let's go and after we get a good night's sleep hopefully a while can have an easy day tomorrow before we go back to work on Monday cuz you really can use this weekend to relax

Louis you are so right about that cuz I can't take it too much longer this craziness all the baby inside me how do women do this for f*** sakes because it seems like hell on the back and it seems like I will never complain about women again cuz they are not weak like I thought they have to be strong to go to a f***** childbirth I will never ever look at them weekend because this is torture now that I have been in their shoes

Harry well if you're talking like that now I wonder how you're going to do you when your mood swing of it lol anyway I'll help you as for those two the best I can I think

Louis you better help me cuz you're the one that got me this way in the first place

Harry yeah good point come on let's get to sleep before you overdue want to throw a bloody tampon or something cuz you seem sleep deprived

Louis sleep deprived is not the word I would use but you're right let's just get some sleep this is gonna be a long night at these kids don't settle down inside my stomach so I got a funeral I have more than one so I hope I'm not having a soccer team in here goes a shore damn hurts my stomach

Harry Wow anyway over the sickness easy off

With that my baby took me back to bed

Harry pov

The next morning I woke up and saw that my baby was still asleep and I could tell that he needed because he had a hard time last night and it's not a good thing it makes me worry when my baby don't get his rest and I hate it when that happens because he my bady and don't like seeing him sick at all just then my baby woke

Louis morning baby

Harry morning baby you feeling any better now that you got some sleep last night because you still don't look to good

Louis I'm OK it going to take a bit to get my color back and stuff but I should be okay

Harry good lets go get some bearkfast thing we can cuddle up on the sofa and have a lazy day because you need it

Louis good idea but I'm craving Egg McMuffins from McDonalds but I also want to double Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal from there but is too early for that right now

Harry well I will go and get the quarter pounder later but right now I'll get muffins for you

Louis thank you. Baby I don't know why I'm craving that but it sounds so good

Harry it the baby who wants it baby so I'm going to get it for you to make all babies happy you and the baby or babies your carrying because we don't know if it one or more

Louis thank baby why your gone to get that for me I'm going to take a shower and a nap before you get back then I want my cuddle on the sofa baby

Harry alright but be careful I don't want you to get hurt baby because you seem like you need to rest so shower and sleep till I get back like you said and I'll give you your cuddle soon as I get back with your food baby

Louis OK thanks baby love you

Harry love you to baby

With that I went to go and pick up louis food but before I went I asked zayn to check on him just in case I m long because of a long line or something or traffic and he said he would with that I let to get my baby food I so hate it when he sick

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