we've got a lot of History chapter 46

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Harry pov

6 years later

My life is absolutely wonderful now I am married to Luis we have 5 recordable gorgeous boys when they are the best we can ask for their sweetheart they do as you're told they listen and we love each day but we have more then them we have a set of twin's both girls in the big brothers are very over protective over them which is good. Me Louis on the boys all still work at the university which is great so I'm now the Dean by the way because. Simon as retard and asked me if I wanted the job so I took it I'm still teaching history though but I'm not only the head of the history department anymore I'm now the head of the whole school so I had to get an assistant to help me in the history department. I'm loving every day with my family every day with my kids and is the best I can have and everyday with my other half is the best I was Louis no matter what his family moved here to be with.

Louis hay baby what you think about

Harry just how far we come in the pass 6 years we come along way and to think I could of lost you if we did not stop your ex and it good he in jail for a long time and I can't believe that you went back to school I've upgraded from being just a secretary to being a professor yourself but I didn't think you do that but I love you for that and you are the best drama professor that the university now has and who would have thought a Vivian would end up being my assistant

Louis will you definitely are right baby we have come a long way and you drama was always something I love I have credits to be a teacher in that before but I didn't think I would get a chance to do that so I have stuff to my secretarial stuff can you say that Oxford always wanted to have a drama program but they can never get anybody willing to teach it

Harry that's true and then when you told me how you added run a background and all you needed with so many credits to come with us for yourself I told you to go take the course and that and if you got it and we still don't have a drama teacher about the time comes if we want to start drama program running by people and if we can do it maybe you could head up that drama program and be the drama professor if everybody agrees. I said now look you have been the head of the drama department for the past 6 years I love you

Louis you better love me baby it's hard to believe that I finally found love finally got to do what I love I mean don't get me wrong I love my secretarial it was something I always love being a secretary what is good to really be a professor and teach drama because my heart was always in drama and you showed me that sometimes you need to follow your dreams and I definition of my dreams in my heart when I met you my history professor then always going to love you no matter what

Harry which is a good thing speaking of history I think we should roll play later when I teach you history if you know what I mean we do that was little special things in the bedroom

Louis yeah. If you really good because you know I have been a bit of a bad boy lately taking the boys wear our sons are supposed to be around or somewhere the girls are down for their nap

Harry oh yeah they're not home from school yet member we have the day off from work so they're supposed to be home in an hour but I wonder if they ain't got into trouble or not the usual stay out of it but you never know what a creep up behind you sometimes

Zayn comes over to their house with the boys

Harry zayn mate what's up with the boys with the boys

Zayn well when I went to school today to pick up my little girls and me and my wife had I know what to tell your boys are getting bullied Marcel so was really fragile because of it seems he was getting me and picked on because recently I believe Marcel and a boy in his class kissed and the boy name was Leroy

Harry well I guess Marcel figured it up that he's not like other boys

Marcel I like boys like you and papa but why do people need to be so mean because I don't think it Nice

Zayn the principal by the way out of there school is going to expel the boys that been causing them trouble cuz these boys seem to be picking on everybody and in their school according to the principle of kids find out that their sexuality is different from a normal they're not to be before it there should be treated like any order person because it's part of the school policy now it seems that more and more people that are gay they're getting more rights which is proper if you had me anyway I've got to get home to my kids and my wife because I worked a couple extra hours today at the campus

Harry oh by the way a man thanks for filling in for me that why I have this taken care of Luis today after he had trouble last week with his feelings towards something that happened to one of his family members that's why we took a few days off so thanks again for covering for me

Zayn kyr vice dean for I can't believe you asked me to be your vice dean and I'm still in charge of the English department though but its really good that you asked me to do that and I appreciate by the way anyway I gotta get back to the house before the wife has my ass

Harry yeah thanks again for dropping the boys off home by the way and we'll figure out what's going on with out myself and Leroy wait a minute it just clicked in my head Leroy Liam son

Zayn yes he is

Louis well we did find out about a year ago that his wife left him for a woman because she bisexual

Zayn ya and that might explain what's going on with Leroy I was a good thing that Liam got the kids because she's not all there in the head

Harry you guys are right about that man we all have got a lot of History but where are family members as well as friends

Zayn yes we are and I hope we all
Will see where this takes us

Harry ya it all started with me and Louis meeting so we do have a lot of history

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